Friday, March 18, 2011

Dirrent Type Of Indian Boobs

CONTRIBUTISamizdat (Ennio Abate) Write this 3


Ave, Risorgimento!

Io sul tuo 150tenario

non ti mento

e perciò...




bubbone monumento

e certo documento

della faccia di merda

di questo popolo defunto 

che col suo parlamento

si bea d'essere italiano

per andare a servire


contro il solito Hitler

stavolta africano.

*Samizdat  è maschera pissed off at EA

Where To Buy Hefty Baggies Sandwich Bags

CONTRIBUTIONS Fabiano Braccini Write to the present 2

THURSDAY March 17, 2011: BETWEEN hymns and band thinks

the grocer testaquadra I finished the mortadella , has over the wretch!
I would like mortadella now, now, I want to hear the taste in my mouth, I chew the
with forty teeth, I want to swallow with noise
want her as a pregnant suddenly wants a chocolate fondant
rincartato blue, to suck for the good of the child that moves.

M the intersection looks at his watch-Ripamonti Bligny-Sabotino:
know that today is not a perfect day with the dead Japanese, Libyans dead,
the dead on the highway, all the dead the world of this moment.
With the addition of the young girls gone, killed (rape, raped, no).
With pataccari estracomunitari selling umbrellas guaranteed half hour.

A ccidenti to 24 on the tracks in that strigoli curve Crocetta.
Eccoti infine, droghiere di Porta Romana con mortadelle dipinte di rosa
col pepe e senza pepe, con o senza pistacchi verdi profumati di verde.
“La mangio qui, tagliami un francesino : svelto che non ce la faccio più.
Sì, sì, va bene pure una michetta vecchia dimenticata da ieri!”

M i arrivano i suoni del Centocinquantesimo dell’Unità d’Italia
e ora che mi si scioglie in bocca il gusto di ‘bologna’ canterei anch’io,
sventolerei anche io il tricolore e canterei stonato col boccone in bocca,
among all happy with the holiday, the square full of noise:
sing "Let us gather in legions, Ready to die, Italy has called!"

B little rod me feel good! I mortadella me change the mood of anxiety
step for houseboats in the wake of the tsunami cowardly
the serenity of digestion in a quiet, calm, numbing.
With that bit of stick carelessly passed back and forth between the teeth,
'step' for the shadows wandering restlessness to 'Why should I care for me'.

M to see that with three other hints of hip-hop and an ass that sculetta front
with a folded newspaper in the pocket of his jacket and a cigarette dangling,
with the exhibition of himself in the Gallery with the team if it wins in the quarter, with
tram ticket which he pays for those who do not pay ... ever ... see all
'other ' who do not care about the shit that looms over the world.

Fabiano Armstrong

The Best Unrated Movie

CRITIC Giorgio LinguaglossaIl poetic discourse in the 900. With an introduction by EA

Foreword. The readers of this blog will not be frightened or collide and the frequency of uncommon words in this essay the critic George Lingfield. The language "special" have their own needs are not always latinorum to keep out the "people" from knowledge that count. For the dumb, that any protests controversially invited to speak "simple" as it does on TV or writing "light" like (mystifying) advertisers, argue: why not breathe in front of some specialized languages, such as doctors.? Try to read any sheet di'istruzioni for the use of a medicine. So why such a presumption to know better in front of a text of literary criticism?
Lingfield here gives us an example of his critical discourse, which has roots in a philosophical view and uses a high degree of abstraction, but not unattainable. For those of us in philosophy chewing little I thought of this introduction, which simplifies and summarizes his thinking to allow at least ai più volenterosi un primo accostamento.

I l suo punto di partenza è la crisi della Ragione (il riferimento è all’omonimo libro che il filosofo  Aldo Gargani pubblicò nel 1979 rimettendo in discussione il primato del logos) . E di logos «ferito a morte» parla qui Linguaglossa. La crisi della Ragione – egli dice - ha trascinato con sé  anche la poesia, dando spazio a poetiche che egli giudica «epigoniche e acritiche». Anche la narrativa (quella di Borges, di Calvino), rinuncia a parlare dell’«altro» (il mondo, la realtà, ciò che sta o potrebbe  stare oltre la superficie o i dati  dell’esperienza immediata) e finisce per parlare  di se stessa («si autoreferenzializza»), svela di essere (o si riduce a) pura «finzione». Alla stessa conclusione giunge nel 1971 Montale con Satura : qui il suo «discorso poetico», prima volto ad interrogare il mondo sia pur con tremori e incertezze da gran borghese, si ripiega su se stesso, dichiara « la propria costitutiva mancanza », diventa nichilista (« dietro il paravento del «soggetto» si apre il fondale del nulla»).

Le  stesse correnti di pensiero del neopositivismo e dello strutturalismo (forti soprattutto negli anni ’60-’70) avevano imposto un’attenzione quasi esclusiva a tutto ciò che  si presenta come «linguistico» e avevano ridotto  il mondo  a «fondale unidimensionale», anticipando quella che poi sarà «la superficie infinita della civiltà mediatica» (o società dello spettacolo prevista da Guy Debord). 

Questo processo, che s’impone con la massima evidenza soprattutto nelle grandi metropoli («nella città anomica e a-topica», cioè senza più leggi e senza luoghi; si ricordi che più recentemente l’antropologo Marc Augé ha parlato di non luoghi , per indicare il venir meno del rapporto profondo, emotivo e non solo utilitaristico, fra uno spazio e i suoi abitanti), svuota anche i «miti» (ai quali Linguaglossa  attribuisce valore positivo in contrasto con le correnti illuministiche “demitizzanti”): essi da pubblici diventano privati (più precisamente: « diventano il «privato» di ciò che non è più neanche «pubblico», mettono in «pubblico» ciò che non è più nemmeno «privato»»).

Il risultato è la «confusione babelica» in cui siamo immersi. Si è arrivati alla «fine di una civiltà poetica», qui esemplificata nei versi cinici e leggeri di Marcoaldi.  Anche due poeti stimati da Linguaglossa - Dante Maffia e Roberto Bertoldo - che  contrappongono alla confusione babelica   un loro «discorso poetico» sono costretti  a presentarlo o come «discorso dei «folli»», di «sopravvissuti» o come cicatriziale» (così è definita all’inizio di questo scritto la poesia di Bertoldo, fattosi  poeta delle «cicatrici» linguistiche). L’analisi qui condotta da Linguaglossa fa riferimento alla filosofia di Heidegger, che, sulla scia di Nietzsche e soprattutto nella sua opera maggiore Essere e tempo   (dove è introdotto anche il termine Dasein , dell’”esser-ci”, di complicata interpretazione), teorizzò «la morte del soggetto» e, studioso della poesia del Novecento, la interpretò appunto come «liturgia»  della «morte del soggetto», tentativo estremo di cogliere la «presenza-assenza» del Dasein , dell’”esser-ci”.

Quale la “conclusione-programma” della  visione filosofica e poetica di Linguaglossa?

La si coglie con chiarezza nell’ultimo paragraph beginning with "If it ceases to ask what's the answer?". Lingfield must leave to the poets poem became "the place of ' assertibility generalized (simplified: domain of chatter, a term Heidegger par excellence," sticky molasses and gray). If you insist on ignoring the "death of the subject," that is persisting in the fiction "that the 'I' exists and enjoys good health and can joke and talk and ..." spit "(as stated in the verses cited Marcoaldi), would produce only"-like poetry "(a term used per la prima volta, mi pare, da Raboni).  Il modello proposto da Linguaglossa  dev’essere «cosciente di quello che succede» e, , come i personaggi di Beckett, imparare a diventare muto e sordo di fronte al «mondo». Perché questo è per Linguaglossa «il «miglior modo di parlare».

Se questa sintesi di lettura rispetta il pensiero di Linguaglossa sulla poesia può essere considerata una risposta alla domanda che vado ponendo ( quale poesia oggi? ), come non vedere che si tratta di  una  critica drastica di gran parte della  produzione contemporanea and especially the hypothesis of moltinpoesia . This explains the deeper reason, not only due to haste or carelessness, his negative opinion on the poetry of Eagle. Not only that text but most of the texts that are written today to fall into the category of Lingfield chat: he does not question that the 'basics', are lost in those "accidental or inessential."
Before denying indignantly to the sender that this critique puts into question our research in poetry, I will reflect. Why do we find some close to my speech sull’ ambivalenza della produzione dei moltinpoesia .

Non sono però convinto che si possano però tagliar via come interamente «accidentali o inessenziali» le pratiche ambivalenti eppur reali e diffuse  dei molti .

Mi sono costruito  finora sul modello  cui accennò Fortini in una conversazione e che qui trascrivo:

Bisogna scaldarsi – disse []Fortini] all’incirca - con quello che si ha. Io su molte cose preferisco essere n arretrato, un tonto, perché non posso, non ho tempo, non ho testa. È giusto che sia così. Non

servono le ultime novità. Un buon manuale liceale spesso è sufficiente. In filosofia o punti sullo

specialismo o punti sull’ignoranza. I due – il filosofo e il tonto – s’incontrano e vanno a passeggio



Cercherei perciò di spingere il critico-filosofo Linguaglossa a incontrarsi e a conversare con i "tonti". Forse perché mi sento un po' filosofo e un po' tonto, vorrei parlare sia delle cose fondamentali che delle accidentali.   E mi chiedo poi dubbioso se davvero  certe cose siano fondamentali and other accidents. And if the distinction should not be constantly verified. And again assuming that one is able to enter the area of \u200b\u200bthe fundamental things that do? He eats, he ponders, he writes books, talks to the few who understand (or seem to understand it) and just? Or will even groped her to get there (Il Convivio Dante! The pedagogical humanism! Edge-mass ratio of socialist and communist tradition! And all the good ruins pick it up in the post-modern!) To others, so many possibilities?
I understand that to be didactic or pedagogical one can get bored. But I think we can also bore repeating le cose fondamentali tra pochi intimi.  Sono per una critica dialogante tra livelli apparentemente alti  e livelli apparentemente medi  o bassi. Non esiste nessuna garanzia che da un incontro possa venir fuori qualcosa di significativo. Può essere anche una perdita di tempo. Ma  la scommessa va accettata.



George Lingfield
At a certain point of the passing of the twentieth century is that the poetic discourse decides to turn the page. The discourse of conflict scar and the poetry of Dante Maffia and Roberto Bertoldo want to open the poetic discourse to the 'answer' of the 'other': the place is that logos dell'asseribilità generalized which have become the poetic and uncritical followers now in vogue, that logos which ended fatally wounded by crisis of Reason. The 'answer' Reason poetante, with the passing of the twentieth century, become increasingly a problem, it will become a fiction (though not yet thought of as such). The discourse of the novel autoreferenzializza: we see the fiction of Borges and Calvino and put in place that reflect the stage of fiction. In Borges, we are witnessing the finzionalizzazione in Calvino's fiction and there is the player that gets inside the book you are reading, which takes part in the story.

The Montale's Satura (1971) notices in a timely manner that behind the screen of the "subject" you open the bottom of anything, and since then the poetic discourse can not help but express its constitutive lack , comes to terms with nihilism. The answer of the interview of upper-class Montale is the subject of himself, answered himself. This is the paradox: it is an answer that does not answer to anyone. But here is the whole question of language that goes down. It is the twenty-first century begins.

If positivism is an epistemology without question because logicist, structuralism, however, will dive shut themselves in the language "subject" in un sistema di differenze, di rapporti significanti e di significati. I «miti» perdono con ciò la loro individualità e la loro sovraindividualità, diventano anonimi nella città anomica e a-topica, diventano il «privato» di ciò che non è più neanche «pubblico», mettono in «pubblico» ciò che non è più nemmeno «privato». Il lettore entra dentro la pagina scritta e vuole prendere posto accanto e al di sopra di chi parla. Questa è veramente la confusione babelica! Questo emerge anche dalla corrispondenza dei «soggetti» del discorso poetico «conflittuale» di Dante Maffìa essendo ognuno di essi il simbolico dell’altro. Il soggetto non fonda il simbolismo but it is already ready-made, into the wood of the match where all things converge and remind each other - but the symbolism was an illusion of civilization! - In fact they (the matches) are not accounted for significant and semantic dissimilarities and fades. They do not match that for a convention agreed between the sender and recipients, between the reader and the author.
The "subject" of the poetry of Zanzotto and Camillo Penna is a transcendental subject. Upon reaching the summit of the culture of experimentalism, the reflectivity shows the semantic profile of cardboard furniture. With structuralism and its poetic followers il mondo si assottiglia a fondale unidimensionale che prefigura la superficie infinita della civiltà mediatica e il linguistico che si estende a macchia d’olio…

Quando il poeta giornalista Franco Marcoaldi in Amore non Amore (1997), terzo libro pubblicato da Einaudi, scrive: «Io non sono il Dalai Lama, / sono più modestamente un lama: / io non parlo… sputo», è chiaro che qui siamo già dentro la fine di una civiltà poetica. Ed è chiaro che il critico non ha più ragion d’essere.

Il «soggetto» dunque, anche quello del «discorso conflittuale», si struttura nell’ambito di uno sdoppiamento simbolico (e di uno scambio simbolico). Il «discorso conflittuale»  di Dante Maffìa ne Lo specchio della mente (2000) e La biblioteca d’Alessandria (2006), come del resto ogni discorso uninominale, è quel discorso a valvola aperta dove il simbolico si richiama con un altro simbolico; essi richiamandosi, si rispondono, ma il loro è un parlare muto, è soltanto un episodio di una gigantesca incomprensione universale: il problematologico che qui affiora è una falsificazione del falso problematologico. Il discorso dei «folli» che parlano ne Lo specchio della mind and writers of survivors The library of Alexandria that speak of their loss to two thousand years later is a mocking speech precisely because it gives (by an act of fiction) after two thousand years later, is a speech that falls from the window of logos dell'asseribilità generalized where he had gone to the front door. Problematizes what sproblematizzato had a culture of justification, but also a derisive logos such as that of "madness" that speak to us from the bottomless pit of their folly:

a little 'me came
land through pipes
the toilet and through the clouds
which I paid
my nipples to drink
first to melt in the rain ...


There are hawks in the bed
damned souls who defecate
constantly and expect
courtesies at least tolerance.
have stolen - and the state - all the shadows
found in their swing through the sky, all
the solitude of the clouds and now
would hand them over to someone
to guard them. I do not understand the reason ...

The poetic discourse Roberto Bertoldo them the ordeal of cranes (1999) The filing of oaths and (2006) protest against the dictum of Hegel according to which "the wounds of the Spirit does not leave scars." Bertoldo's poetry is, in fact, a protest against the wounds of the Spirit, is a surgical exploration, a survey and a representation of the 'scars' language: a poetic discourse retrogrediente that the "scars" leads to the heart of twentieth-century poetic crisis of Reason.

jet break in your face a smile
frames and wrinkles will split the shadow under the eyes.
you skin browning it, the suffering of rhododendrons,
DISCOUNT death as a pond.
I bring you love offal as dry words.
kidney gray that wind up in fusilli.
And I thirst that can milk them.
I am the seducer of willow,
who depleted the words
and leave the skins on the cornice of life.
not laugh of my pupils moleskin
can still see the pain, the endings of sighs,
reflections. Against your chest
beat a stubborn sheet, I am holding the lips,
a rumor that the ground team, some flat,
a calle, la lebbra. Oggi vi sono radice.


Ti prego, ferita che hai spodestato la mia anima,
ergiti nel tuo raggrumo per ovviare al male
che la mia pelle segnala
a spruzzi di rugiada cristiana,
non aprirti a queste lame che accadono
esorta la terra ad un assolo
contro i chiodi e le spine che accogliesti,
tu, indulgente e compassionevole,
soccorri questo corpo che sconfisse gli alibi.


Quelle parole che hai perso addosso a me
io le cerco ancora nel mio calamaio
ma non posso che accarezzarti con le dita sudice,
tanto le tue lacrime laveranno la mia impronta
e le guance che ti sorreggeranno come un riporto di terra
avranno limpidi singhiozzi nei solchi.
Hai avuto per me parole di campo,
yellow as the bottom of Dogaia,
black as the cry of crows,
have forged the sword that makes me coo
under the roofs of bunkers,
every kiss is a wound that imposes
improper retaliation, my curse.
And when you fill your ditches powder
think perhaps cruel lamb
still burning on the wings of doves.

Moreover, with the Dasein Heidegger certify death of the subject, but the ontology of poetic language (as it was once), hides the problem instead of lit: place the "difference" where it is. The question of being is nothing more that the issue of problematization of language. All the poetry (and novel) of the twentieth century is nothing more than a refuge in "places" where Dasein celebrates the liturgy of its presence-absence, that is, the scene of his death. And the problematic nature of the language after modernism must necessarily face a new modalization linguistic experience. This, I think, the challenge of a poetic discourse critical aware of the extent of its problematic.

If it ceases to ask what's the answer? If poetry becomes the place of ' assertibility generalized, where there is demand and there is no answer, what remains is a sticky molasses and gray. Because it is clear that in the absence of demand, there may be a response ... the answer is already an act of vandalism (and unfounded), as it required: Who say? Why respond? For what? And on behalf of whom? And for what application? ... That is why, strictly speaking, Today poetic discourse should be placed inside this issue dilemma: on one side need to formulate a basic question and, secondly, you should make a fundamental answer , or at least sketched. The fact is that today's poem-like in movement, acting as true, a fiction that the 'I' exists and enjoys good health and can joke and talk and ... "spit." When it should be clear now an author conscious of what is happening can only put on stage two deaf-mutes who try to talk about but, in fact, through a sham and a fake.
And appunto quello che cercano di fare i personaggi di Beckett: tentano di ridiventare muti e sordi di fronte al «mondo». E questo è il miglior modo di parlare.

Gay Cruise Spots Portland Or

CONTRIBUTILucio Mayoor TosiScrivere this little dictionary

Ho scritto questa poesia ieri pomeriggio, dopo le diciotto, in un bar nei pressi di piazza Piemonte. Pioveva, avevo lasciato il mio quadernetto in macchina, ma era troppo distante per tornare a prenderlo. Così sono entrato in Mondadori e ne ho acquistato uno. Il quadernetto per me è molto importante, lo uso quasi fosse una macchina fotografica ma, di fatto, è molto di più: è un buco nero che attrae su di se' tutto ciò che si trova attorno. 

Senza titolo

d unque eccolo qui un foglio bianco alla finestra ambrato aperitivo scritto 
denominato farfalla delle sei

ma prima oziosamente ho incontrato messaggi persi plastiche allegre 
the music will go, by scalamobile. Perhaps the authors are dead musicians
salaried commuters pendolanti background of purple hats enviable
sit in the no stress. Other poor but rich in time.
Less than an hour or three quarters, I think, the radioactive material. To stock sauce
for canned smoked herring controlled expiration at least a year and a half

ma prima oziosamente ti ho pensata in ascensore e chissà, ti ho detto, i ricchi 
si salvano sempre.  Aperte le porte nella somma dei profumi francesi 
( l'autore morto pendolante?) le gambe affondate nel budino vaniglia pavimento 
tra i vetri azzerati pensieri per il tutto già pronto automatico denaro e tanti saluti 
elettronici: dear he may come Saturday, I'll call my soap fan.
Make money and then spend it for you only, without a mocha, a South African girl
a football tough sport for pussies independent with their backs to streets
poached three hundred €

idly as a sadhu but before I left some of abundance
orizzonte voltandomi sulle offerte, un assurdo sprazzo di vitalità senza aromi 
di sandalo.  Tra poco saremo così radioattivi che avremo paura d'impugnare 
il volante della Porsche, ci cagheremo sotto e salteremo la doccia anche  perché 
ci siamo abituati scopando con poca simpatia più che altro per la muscolatura. 

idly sadhu abundance of renunciation and red amber drink
I solved quickly with a few brief friendship with the guys from the bar.
die they all go here ; to finish the ham.
Too posh for Science controlled risk my son runs a local
chemistry makes little good and similar to more or less democratic redioattivamente
ma con le bolle sul sedere.  Hai voglia. 

Poi guarderò meglio all'orizzonte, tardano i nord africani avrei detto che oggi… 
ma no, son qua a discutere di critica letteraria. Esplodo solo io se cede l'involucro 
di plastica alla vaniglia?

Il proprietario del locale è un trentottenne athletic, just like those that women (as does one at that age to dispose of 500,000 euro, many use it to open a restaurant like that? "More than" Mom's purse, "I think the 'Ndrangheta).
was the 'happy hour, I ordered the most expensive thing (I looked poorly made, I shopped, but I was only occupy three seats. Plus I was there to write). I ruined my dinner (and diet, but oh well, that's poetry ..) gorge with what I found.
E 'a "in" although a few claims. Too many staff said hello and good morning too and this does not help relax.

In this poem there are the floors clear of Mondadori, lifts and a vague reference to Rinascente. E 'written with the surface of the visionary who walks without a real center of interest.
Nuclear snaps because our club costs pat of energy, and why? Not for human life, but to make money. That's why nuclear power stations do not have anything natural, they serve all'ekonomia, provide immediate resources to exploit (the term was never more appropriate :-)). I hear the echo of what is happening in Japan (another country in race for exploitation and for the money), and I feel in contrast with the indifference of these ostentatious ostrich ... I had around ... which I love, however, even when I hate to be sour, because I write mainly wanting good. ;

I write so many years. At home I just write and try to balance what I wrote.
not wait for inspiration, the right time, I sit and write. I am confident that a poet has infinite resources at any time, it is not a skimpy gold vein to be exploited. Years of meditation I have used to stay in when I write poetry and this is where I fish all the time. Participates in the writing.

Nothing particularly new, but maybe if the poets who submit their poems to the blog in a few lines saying something that clarifies why they wrote this poem, because ' have sent and what they would like to share, maybe you would start a dialogue more proactive with the criticism?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Men And Women Mapouka

MOLTINPOESIA Ennio AbateMoltinpoesia and Fukushima

· Earthquake Japan : video of ' incident at Central of ...

March 13, 2011 ... L ' accident at the nuclear center Fukushima, to resulting tsunami following the earthquake that struck Japan , ... japan-video-of-accident - to - central - fukushima_post-of-15219.html - Copy cache

shake off our slumber poetic
get out
to that?
in matching the world.
With Gaddafi and now loses that first win.
Col Japan dies tsunami e terremoto.
E di nucleare?
Ma Quello (il Golem buono) 
Alla candela non ci torna più
Ma  Quello (il Golem malvagio) 
è incontrollabile
and roars when
nor the sorcerer's apprentices
nor the real scientists
we do it to appease him.

of who we trust then?
Scientists nuclearists linked to the lobby?
Of those serving wind-environmentalist lobby?

Oh, poeta esodante
 In che merdume devi esodare!
Oh, poeta esodante
di cosa  domani scriverai?

Toccati l’anima.
Non è umida e palpitante
di sogni e minime lussurie?
Meglio quest’umidità materna
dell’angoscia moderna
degli incubi d'un futuro che non vedrai?

No, pensare l’orrore
del mondo presente
che al poeta o non poeta  esodante
offre il gommone
il deserto
al massimo il centro di prima accoglienza
la peggior penitenza
o questi cessi di stazione
dov’è finita l’idea di rivoluzione
sognata in autostrada
e poi surriscaldata
come il nocciolo a Fukushima
(Which is - oh us! - Almost rhymes with Hiroshima)

* Note

Edoardo Boncinelli / cronache/11_marzo_16/boncinelli_alternativa_inesistente_c54e3890-4fb0-11e0-acff-d18cea4068c4.shtml
feral The news reaching us from Japan are bringing to the fore so peremptorily unexpectedly as the controversy on the use of nuclear power plants and their risks [...] in a time when it should be appealing to all our lucidity [...] It 's easy now surrender and give up mentally emotional wave to each project that [...] to nuclear power there are no real alternatives and the most developed nations and civilians we have and use it for years. [...] We're almost the only nation that does not use nuclear power for energy supply, even though we are a short distance from central France and Slovenia that could potentially provide many trouble. [...] But the risk can contain and control. The plants are not all equal and technology evolves in this field no less quickly than in any other field. [...] Well, there are not only nuclear plants and their waste to threaten the health of the planet, especially when it did fall back on alternative technologies of energy supply around the weight. [...] No one knows what the future may hold there, but it is not certain inertia and ignorance that it faces in the manner better.

Mattioli and Scalia

can in fact improve the devices, make them redundant, but, if it reduces the probability of an accident of the kind hitherto known, does not change the fact that the accident is still possible with the effects of enormous suffering and fear. [...] worthy of respect for institutions that would say Italians: it is true, these are the risks, the country is seismic and the technology is imperfect, but there is no other way to supply energy to the country and therefore should be in a transparent way, to share risks and repay them with benefits Direct who will endure them directly. [...] But the field of cheating, such as when the people of Scanzano was said that the rock salt over the centuries ensured the integrity of a waste repository. A fake. O lies As recently stated by the German Federal Government: Yes, around the nuclear facilities there is more than twice of childhood leukemia. But Veronesi, President of the Agency for Nuclear Safety, the risk to normal operation does not exist. It is apparent that the ethics of a lobby, still determined to achieve its result and, moreover, the ground energy lobby is always land: even the wind clique tried in front of his speculazione.Ma disaster also lobby should be silent.

Guido Viale

not The tsunami was to frustrate even the best intentions of leaders, managers, administrators and communicators: the apocalypse found them intent to lie shamelessly about everything, from hour to hour, trying to hide in bits and pieces of a disaster that now now the reality is in charge of revealing. It is an entire ruling class, not only of our country, but Europe, Japan, the world, the apocalypse catches in the act falsehood, teaching us to not trust none of them ever . To give just one example, the "lighter" Chancellor Angela Merkel to run for cover, stopping three, then seven, then maybe nine nuclear power plants that only until three days ago he had ordered to keep operating for another twenty years. But they were not in the same condition today as three days ago? So: was to be trusted then? And you can trust now ?[...]
For those who have the ability or inclination to develop critical thinking and allow to educate the media, are scientists and engineers ourselves and having to drive along the border of the development. The results of that guidance are now there in front of our eyes. The Book of Revelation however revealed that the artists, with their sensitivity and their lack of interest, to route towards the discovery of the future. Read Scorched Earth James Ballard, or even better, Road by Cormac McCarthy; or go see the movie based on this novel. You'll find yourself immediately immersed in landscapes that today's television coverage of the northeastern coast of Japan we bring before our eyes. And with McCarthy you can revive the sense of abandonment, terror, discomfort and emptiness that only one irreducible will to survive at any cost and the fire of an indissoluble bond of affection is able to defeat the apocalypse
.[...] reveals that the normality - That has characterized the lives of many of us for many years, but that has not been experienced by some billions of human beings who have borne the brunt of our "development" and our fake "welfare" - is over or is about to end forever. It's over for Japan - and not just for people overwhelmed by the tsunami - which now must stop its factories to suspend its exports, to travel to sob his trains, close to petrol pumps, turn off the lights, lock all or almost its nuclear reactors, without knowing what to replace them and not knowing if and when he can recover from a hit like that (a fate similar to that which could plunge to hit France in terms of a country "underdeveloped" only happen if a similar incident ).[...]
But now almost everyone, it must stop. But it is not rosy either for the countries who travel to oil, natural gas and coal, like ours. The Middle East is burning and if - or rather, when - the Saudi kingdom will fall, even as oil will come with a dropper. Especially in Italy, but also in Europe. So goodbye dreams of glory for the automotive industry, not just those Marchionne (which are a mere hoax), but also for the whole of Europe. Not to mention the United States in June will have to renew some of their debt, which is far more serious and poised than those of all EU countries europea messi insieme; ma forse nessuno lo vorrà più comprare. Il che significa che un nuovo crack planetario è alle porte.[...]

Quello che l'apocalisse dello tsunami in Giappone ci rivela è la "normalità" di domani. L'apocalisse è già tra noi, in quello che facciamo tutti i giorni e soprattutto in quello che non facciamo. Dobbiamo imparare ad attraversare e a vivere dentro un panorama devastato, dove niente o quasi funziona più: non solo per il crollo o il degrado delle sue strutture fisiche; o per l'intasamento della loro "capacità di carico"; ma anche e soprattutto per la manomissione delle linee di comando, per la paralisi delle strutture organizzate, per la dissoluzione dello spirito pubblico calpestato by the lies and hypocrisy of those in charge.
Like it or not we must change our way of thinking and we need to study how to reorganize our lives in terms of greater simplicity, and so no longer dependent from large installations, from large structures, large networks, from large capital , from large corporations that control them and the state and supranational organizations that are controlled: all things that can disappear or suddenly change appearance overnight.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How To Hang Swag Drape

LABORATORY MOLTINPOESIA Critics and poets: dogs and cats? Report on the evening of March 15, 2011 REMINDER

Once yes, not today, unfortunately .. This, I think, the conclusion (provisional) of the meeting between Paul Giovannetti, a professor of Italian literature at IULM MOLTINPOESIA and participants in the workshop of March 15 at Liberty house.
The question is "old." We have often addressed in discussions of the Laboratory also improvised. And since its inception in 2006. An obsession? Or a major problem even if no easy solutions?
Paul Giovannetti, with a nice introduction, rich data and examples from his experience as an academic, a scholar of metrics and literary historian, has shown his point of view almost "militant" means the relationship between criticism and poetry can not be put in terms of cooperation "dialectic" (not without tensions) as occurred in the wake of a long tradition where each had clear rules of his "job" , because with the early eighties we have entered a new era, the postmodern ; that long tradition and has run off many problems, including this one, not arise as in the past.
To grasp meglio distanze e differenze, Giovannetti  ha narrato un episodio: il poeta Antonio Porta, avendo in mente di preparare un’antologia della poesia degli anni Settanta, si rivolse a Vittorio Sereni chiedendogli dei testi inediti. Sereni  confessò di non averne. Perché per lui scrivere poesia era un’operazione che nasceva soltanto da una necessità personale e storica, da un confronto serrato e non  frettoloso o episodico con  i poeti che l’avevano preceduto (la tradizione). Non, dunque, un’attività “spontanea”, quotidiana o quasi “fisiologica”. Non era, Sereni, uno  da scrivere poesia come si respira o come si fa una passeggiata. 
Tutt’altro è l’atteggiamento di gran parte dei poeti d’oggi. Ce ne sono di quelli che  non si limitano neppure a pubblicare una raccolta all’anno, ma ogni sei mesi. Ed  è facile incontrarne tanti che non sentono alcun legame con la tradizione (o le tradizioni: la classica, la moderna e persino  quella dell'"avanguardia"), non  si riconoscono in  alcun padre o maestro e non hanno uno stile facilmente riconoscibile. Altrettanto facile è incontrare critici (o sedicenti tali) che ormai praticano  più o meno onestamente una “critica amicale”, rituale, impressionistic, breathless General (ie unable to connect - as did the critics of the school's past and even historicist Marxist or structuralist - the poetic field to other fields: the social, political and the philosophical, the scientific, etc.).. Or you are entrenched in their academic work on the few "real" or "great" poets of the past (more or less recently), and indignantly refuse to deal with contemporary production, as judged at first sight, poor, boring, "barbaric" insignificant.

The new postmodern reality not see, dunque, critici e poeti neppure più come “cani e gatti”.
Si assiste a uno spappolamento dei “mestieri”. Domina un ignorarsi reciproco, l’anomia, la mancanza di regole (di rapporti, di proporzioni). I pochi cultori della tradizione o delle tradizioni letterarie e poetiche scrivono al massimo saggi su Montale e Zanzotto. Bisogna dire: a futura (improbabile) memoria, se la crisi generale e quella del libro in particolare ridurrà ancora più la comunicazione tramite cartaceo e tramite pensieri elaborati. I molti (i moltinpoesia !) fanno (sono costretti a fare?) una poesia fai da te . Altrettanto a futura (improbabile) memoria. Perché l’inflazione delle pubblicazioni a pagamento o autoedizioni ( samizdat !) o sul Web (blog personali o siti di poesia) non crea di per sé lettori né critici  consapevoli e motivati in numero sufficiente per dare senso (pubblico, sociale, civile) a questa produzione caotica, ambivalente e, a voler essere ottimisti, solo in potenza e in modo non accertabile per ora, feconda.

Che fare allora?  Giovannetti, distanziato nettamente dai suoi colleghi accademici con la puzza sotto il naso («spiegassero almeno perché la poesia d’oggi è scadente»), suggerisce an attitude of attention and dialogue (a po'-I think - what I called 'critical dialogue-') against the poets of today. Or the 'virtuous practices' be 'eclectic', put a "plurality of viewpoints," learn (even) to 'change mask', not to wear one, not to cling to "one poetic. " (I have made him think of a famous book of the Eighties: AA.VV., feelings of the here). And if the poet does not deny the possibility of "rely on extracting" the critic believes that, no, this can not be granted: he is still a specific task, almost positivist tradition of scholar: speak on the basis of documents.

In the ensuing lively discussion of the various ideas have been taken or proposed by Giovannetti reconfirmed enough doubts and consolidated positions in the Laboratory.
The list briefly, urging those present to report the most of your point of view, writing below, in the space comment:
1. Stare, yes, tradition-conscious, but it is equally important to pay attention to this (Mayoor)
2. Who are these critics able to judge whether a text is or is not poetry? (Giarmoleo) [The reference is to the debate about the kind of poetry Salvatore Eagle published a blog post MOLTINPOESIA]
3. How can navigate the various poetic? (Colnaghi);
4. Who gives the critical power (the mandate) to criticize? A critic can make the critical if not a poet? For me critics and poets have quite separate roles (Provencal);
5. I do not see this separation between critic and poet. (Abate);
6. The criticism today is groping as it happens in many other disciplines. If that can be critical in the job, this is not the case for the poet. Readers may be aware, but we must recognize that the work of the critic is something else (Pancras);
7. Do not forget that the poets have always been a limited grasp on the things they write. (Accorsi)
8. I do not think there is a blurring of the 'I in poetry. Noto rather excessive exhibitionistic narcissism in the poets of today. To get rid of, they are welcome but places of discussion and debate such as this workshop (the point).

[A cura di E.A.]


Monday, March 14, 2011

All Time Best Unrated Movies

Today Tuesday, March 15, 2011 hours 18

La casa della Poesia


stagione 2010-11, ciclo moltinpoesia / martedì 15 marzo 2011 ore 18




evening by Ennio Abate
Criticism and poetry can ally or activities are irreconcilable? It would be better if the poet did just poetry and the critic did only the critic? Criticism is dangerous for poetry and can "kill"? Discuss more ...
Introduction Paul Giovannetti, professor of literature at the University Italan IULM

Monday, February 14, 2011

Tractor Brithday Cake

Notes Consideration

Local VLAN
-easy to maintain
-users are based on geographic boundaries or their physical location

End to end vlan
-users are assigned to the VLAN regardless of their physical location
-based on port security
-user are grouped into VLAN independent of a physical location
-each VLAN has a common set of security and resource requirements for all members

Friday, February 4, 2011

Brisket And London Broil

QinQ Tunneling

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thank You Message In A Program

X Display and ssh tunnel

Supponiamo di trovarci di fronte a una situazione di questo tipo:

Ovvero, dal PC locale si desidera lanciare delle applicazioni tipo SoapUI TCPMon or located on the server
There is a bastian host which protects the network.
Here's the logic to follow:

Case 1: the local PC and bastian host belong to the subnet setssa

A) I connect through ssh to bastian host: ssh-X $ USER_BAST@
b) access to machine applications: ssh-X $ USER_TEST@

Now has access to the machine application can launch the application without problems.

Case 2: the local PC and bastian host does not belong to the same subnet
wing logic to be followed in this case provides that the local PC must open a ssh tunnels that allows us to get to the machine that contains the application to be launched

Assuming the username to access the bastian host "ilaria" we have:

A) create a local tunnel

ssh ssh-L-X 12345: - f-N ilaria@

-12345 is the local port to use to reach the remote service, now accessible to localhost: 12345 -22
the service port is listening on the ssh server
-X using the "X" has the chance to export locally of any GUI launched from the remote machine

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sample Illinois Unemployment 1099 G Form

PACLIVA-ACL and IP Fragmented

The port ACL to perform access control on the gates at level 2. PACLIVA are only applied to incoming traffic and is only supported in hardware and therefore no packets Forward in software (For example, the packets are CEF forwarding to using the Forward in hardware)

fragmented IP packets
In the case of ACL to be applied to the fragmented IP packets, the reasoning to follow is:
-fragmented packets do not contain information L4, L4 ACLs that are applied

An example of an ACL is L3:

access-list 101 deny ip any any

An example of an ACL L4 is:

access-list 101 deny ip any any eq 80

Friday, January 14, 2011

Public Racquetball Courts In Orange County, Ca

Module 5 Module 7


STP Bridge ID: + bridge priority MAC address
Default priority: 32.768
Port ID: port priority + port number
Path Cost: cumulative cost to reach the root switch from a switch interface from which to calculate the cost

states of a door, inside the ' STP algorithm are:


timers to remember are:
-15 sec in listening state,
-15 seconds in learning state (listening + learning Timer timer = Forward delay timer)
-20 sec (10 BPDU, max_age timer) but is the waiting time of BPDUs by the switch: if nn receive BPDUs in that time then switch recalculates stp.
-300 sec aging time: when swithc it is in the state of learning, is populating a table that shows the MAC address matches incoming packets and receiving port. This table has a flush time of 300 sec: if for example a switch detects that a particular host in 30 sec ulle not announced, then removes it from the mac this table. To avoid
-balck hole nle if CVhange Topology, Cisco has created the mechanism for Topology Change Notificvation (TCN: ref.) As soon as there is a topology change to all switches are notified and in particular the aging timer is reduced from 300 to 15 sec (forwarding delay). This will restrict the time of aging lasts for a time that is equal to max_age (20 sec) + forwarding delay (15 +15 sec)

States STP
A door passes from these states: Initialization
to blocking by a blocking or listening
disabled-by listening to or learning-disabled
from learning to forwarding or to disabled
-forwarding to disabled

States ports (the states are defined depending on how incoming packets are processed): discarding
-i packets are discarded and the switch does not learn the mac address
-learning: the packets are dropped, but the mac is stored
-forwarding: packets sent. Mac I have already been learned.

Versions the STP
Several versions are introduced stp:
1) Common Spanning Tree (CST), referred to as 802.1D in which a single instance of STP runs for the entire network

2) PVST + In this case there is an instance STP for each VLAN on the network. Note, the 802.1q encapsulation supports only one instance of STP, so if several instances of STP, ISL can only be used with encapsulation protocol.

3) Rapid STP, 802.1w as shown in which there is only one instance of STP with a convergence time high. In RSTP
possimo distinguish the role of ports and port status.
Role of doors:

-root-designated alternate

4) MST, Multiple Spanning Tree in which more 'with the same VLAN traffic requirements can be arranged in individual instances of STP.

Load Balancing using STP port priority
is a layer 2 protocol used to prevent layer 2 loops in collegamneto with multiple switches.
The election of the ports (designated, blocking, non-designated) takes into account several factors, including the priority of the ports.
Playing with the priorities of the doors you get a load balancing of traffic between multiple VLANs.
For example:

Obviously we have:

Or the traffic of the four VLANs properly balanced in the two trunk link.
There are two techniques you can use to get this: stp stp port priority and cost.
STP Port Priority
The scheme for the port fastethernet 0 / 1 S1:

VLAN ---- ------- -----------
S1 4-2 16
3-5128 (default)

In this way, the door will be forwarding the traffic in vlan 4-2 and blocking traffic for VLANs 3-5.
S1 (config) # interface fastethernet 0 / 1
S1 (config-if) # vlan 2 spanning-tree port-priority 16
S1 (config-if) # spanning-tree vlan 4 port-priority 16

Verification priorities:

S1 # show spanning-tree interface fastethernet 0 / 1 Vlan Role Sts Cost
Type -------------- - ---- --- --------- -------- ------------------------ --------
VLAN0001 Desg FWD 19 128.1 P2p
VLAN0002 Desg FWD 19 1.16 P2p
VLAN0003 Desg FWD 19 128.1 P2p
VLAN0004 Desg FWD 19 1.16 P2p
VLAN0005 Desg FWD 19 128.1 P2p

The same is repeated for all trunk ports in order to respect the logical pattern above

S1 # show spanning-tree interface fastethernet 0 / 2
Vlan Role Sts Cost Prio.Nbr
Type ---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- - -------------------------------
VLAN0001 Desg FWD 19 128.2 P2p
VLAN0002 Desg FWD 19 128.2 P2p
VLAN0003 Desg FWD 19 16.2 P2p
VLAN0004 Desg FWD 19 128.2 P2p
VLAN0005 Desg FWD 19 2.16 P2p

Root Guard
enables you to keep a detrminato root switch, even if a new switch with spade connected BID lower and therefore potentially eligible to root.
And 'Just configure root guard, for example on the interface and as soon as the BID interface receives a BPDU with the most' lower than that of the root comes in inconsistent state.
soon no longer receive 'this BPDU, the interface "through" all states and returns to the designated STP mode.


The Catalyst switches, such as the 6500 series, are equipped with the ability to insert different modules and get a device that meets your business needs.

Supervisor Engine in some models like the 4500 there are two slots in the chassis, designed for insertion of the supervisor engine, which has the task to forward packets.

For example, the Supervisor Engine 6-E, used on the Catalyst 4500 offers a bandwidth of 320Gbps (full duplex) and 250 million packets per second.
function of the supervisor engine-> IP-forwarding

-L2, L3 MPLS
-4 10 GE ports, 48 \u200b\u200b10/100/1000 ports fasteethernet (SE 720 Data Sheet)
-have-an integrated route processor
have the control plane and data plane

supervisor engine redundancy:
As the supervisor engines are important to the operation of the switch, there can not be allowed to work or have problems, then using techniques redundancy are to install two supervisor engines on the switch, so that one is always active and the other in standby. The two supervisors communicate with each other, and switch to standby comes into play when the active switch has problems.
Once turned on, both the active and standby supervisor engines, perform the bootup and "initialize" only up to certain levels, and possible redundancy of the various techniques differ with each other on the amount and type of info initialized during bootup by the supervisor engine that is on standby.
It 'clear that the greater the amount of info loaded, the less time the switchover by the swicth to stand by.
The three techniques are:


difference between RPR and RPR +

RPR: first technique used for the redundancy of the supervisor engine.
switchover occurs:
-manual switchover
RP-or SP-crashes
you remove the active supervisor fails
-synchronization between the two supervisor
Features: startup and boot configuration registers are synchronized between the active and standby supervisors. The image of the software between the active and standby supervisor
not necessarily the same. At the time of switchover, the standby supervisor becomes active, but must complete the boot process. In addition, all line cards (ports) and hardware are rilodate reprogrammed. The switchover time is one minute.

as RPR RPR + swicthover but it is more 'quick and also the startup-configuration running-configuration and are copied to both the supervisor. The stand-by
supervisro boot has completed and the line cards do not have once been the rilodare swicthover. Before swicthover the stand-by router is synchronized. The link layer control-plane or not sicronizzati, interfaces flapped and hardware could be reprogrammed. In this case the two images must be the same. The switchover is 30 sec.
If the two supervisor engines do not have the same version of IOS the redundant supervisor works in RPR mode.
Table FIB (Forwarding Information Base) is deleted during the switchover, and then also the dynamic route, so the routing will not work properly until the route table does not riconverge, while the static routes are maintained because they are stored in configuration files is copied to the startup configuration file.

Whether you RPR RPR + switchover, which is not transparent, eg if you have a VoIP phone connected to the switch during the switchover, the call is lost.

SSO Stateful SwicthOver
Improvement dele RPR +.
The goal is to have a switchover that is transparent to the end user, at least for certain types of L2 protocols and IOS.
We talk about HA-aware applications as applications synchronized between the active and stand-by. As
PFC (policy-feature-card) and DFC (Distributed-forwarding-card) hardware tables are always synchronized between the two supervisor this allows a transparent swicthover data plane to L2 and L4.
Then, synchronized data plane involves continuous packet forwarding during the failover of routing protocols against being -aware applications has not are not synchronized. SSO-plane switchover date is 0-3 sec.

NSF Non Stop Forwarding is an interactive method that aims to quickly rebuild the RIB (Routing Information Base), which in turn allows the construction of the FIB used to perform the CEF. Through the NSF, the router that needs assistance in the reconstruction of the RIB is also in the neighboring router configured with NSF. NSF supports EIGRP, OSPF, IS-IS. Works in partnership with SSO. As soon as there is a switchover between the active RP and standby RP (Route Plan), by NSF, the interfaces remain in the UP as well as the neighboring router interfaces (NSF peer) that support NSF, so there is a continuous forwarding packets during switchover, thus avoiding the flapping interface.
It 'clear that I have to first activate and then configure SSO also NSF

High Availability: HSRP, VRRP, GLBP

Typically, these types of protocols within the category of First Hop Redundancy Protocol (FHRP)

Protocolo used to have redundancy in the default gateway. The basics are: you configure an instance-

HSRP-all 'inside of that body part in one or more' router-router-priority
more 'high-
router becomes active if all routers have the same priority instead becomes active with the physical address of the router ip more 'high-
is then elected a stand-by router
fano all other routers that belong to the same instance instead remain in a state of waiting to listen and then take on the role or Active or standby router.
-all 'inside of an instance of the values \u200b\u200bof the HSRP timers "Hello" and "Standby" can be changed on a router, but the values \u200b\u200bset on the Active router overwrites the values \u200b\u200bof all other routers within the same instance

-owner is defined by RFC 2281 Cisco
% MD-Supports authentication

-you can assign group numbers ranging from 0 to 255-
with the preempt command, within a group HSRP, the router with the highest priority becomes the active router, otherwise it becomes a router that does the first boot (the priority of a router is daefult 100). Here's an example:

The R5 router has a priority of 105, while R6 100. But after doing 'before then R5 and R6, R6 is that it becomes the active router, while R5 is on standby. In the case I
preempt configured on R5, the R5 router would always be the active router, even if the boot is made after R6.
Once HSRP is configured on an interface, the router through a number of states needed to understand its role in the HSRP group. The states are:


-Active-Standby Virtual
The MAC has the form: 0000: OC07: acXX, where XX is the group number in hexadecimal.

Clearly in this case, the preempt command is not set in either of two routers.

For the CCNP exam, the application is handled pg.184 Whereas:

Every 3 seconds hello messages are sent
Holdtwon timer is 10 sec , standby timer is 10 sec, 10 sec timer is active

E 'can be controlled interfaces: for example, if an interface goes down it is possible to decrease the priority according to the value of router config (default is 10). Clearly, when the interface comes back up, the priority is always increased as the configured value (10 by default).

GLBP Gateway Load Balancing Protocol is a Cisco protocol that provides load balancing.
% MD-Supports authentication
seguto of a possible scenario GLBP:

Whether the IP address that when we speak of the MAC address of virtual addresses, so:
-l 'ip virtual 10.88 1.10
-the virtual machine is assigned to the master (to review)

The default priority is 100. GLBP is Cisco proprietary.
within a GLBP group is: an active-
router (active state) that has the role of AVF and AVG
-one backup router assumes the role of stand-by AVG and AVF-
other routers in the unit, they can assume the role of AVF
-roter added in any other group were
remain in listen to the different AVF AVG assigns the virtual MAC address. As soon as a client, which uses ip as default gateway the virtual IP, it sends an ARP request, the AVG responds by assigning as the defualt gateway MAC address for the host, one of the virtual MAC address associated with an AVF (the choice of MAC is to be awarded with one of the following weighted load balancing, host-dependent, round-robin)
By default, the GLBP operations are based on host and using a round robin algorithm.
AVG is the router priority to more 'high or ip or the url higher.

Weighting Thresholds->
's a way to make an intelligent load and weighed.
Configuration Example:

track 1 interface POS 5 / 0 ip routing [link protocol]
track 1 interface POS 6 / 0 ip routing [link protocol]
interface fastethernet 0 / 0
glbp 10 weighting 110 lower 95 upper 105
glbp 10 weighting track 1 decrement 10
glbp 10 weighting track 2 decrement 10

All this indicates that:
- the two interfaces POS (Packet Over Sonet) are on track, or if it keeps an eye on their behavior. ip routing indicates that you check if the interface has an active routing protocol and IP address with a link protocol instead it keeps an eye on whether the interface is up

-In the interface which serves as a default gateway for each host, we have:
-indicates the starting value of the priority glbp, in this case 110 and two are fixed treshold: a lower bound and an upper bound.

glbp 10 weighting 110 lower 95 upper 105

gblp If the priority of the router is less than the lower bound, in this case 95, the router does not work anymore 'as the default gateway and resumes only when its priority is greater Upper bound, in this case 105.

-on 'interface and then apply two rules of track:
glbp 10 weighting track 1 decrement 10
glbp 10 weighting track 2 decrement 10

So, if the POS 5 / 0 no ip address configured, the priority is glbp decreased by 10 and reaches 90
S (config-if) # group glbp weightig maximum [lower lower] [upper upper]

glbp show vlan Command 111 reads as follows:

- Voice Priority 150 (configured) means that the router was configured with glbp a priority of 150

- Weighting 145 (configured 150), Thresholds: lower 95, upper 140 indicates that, because the track is configured, the priority of the router glbp now around 145! (Esmpio: HSRP

The possible states are:


Again there is the concept of virtual IP address, but unlike HSRP (Cisco-proprietary ), in VRRP, correct address as the default gateway, you can use a real ip address of a virtual interface that clearly belongs algruppo VRRP. He has a Master
and more 'backup.
% MD-Supports authentication
-The master router is the lowest priority 'high.
-VRRP does not provide mechanisms to track the interface.
-The virtual MAC address is of the form 0000.5e00.01xx where xx is the hex VRRP group. The preemption is enabled
default: the router with the highest priority 'is always high in the master VRRP group.
In the case instead of using default gateway ip address of a real, then in this case, the router that owns that address become master always regardless of priority.


In this case we have:
Router A is the AVG group 1. The client 1 or 2, as soon as the mac ip must resolve the default gateway assigned (ip virtual glbp) send an ARP request to router A which, on a round robin and at the individual request by one of the two client, or send as virtual MAC his or that of the router B. In this case, the client sends its first packet to router A and the client 2 sends it to Router B.

IRDP ICMP Router Discovery Protocol is going to, and is a protocol used by the host if they lose the connection with their default gateway. Then shall endeavor to send ICMP requests to discover a new default gateway.