Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thank You Message In A Program

X Display and ssh tunnel

Supponiamo di trovarci di fronte a una situazione di questo tipo:

Ovvero, dal PC locale si desidera lanciare delle applicazioni tipo SoapUI TCPMon or located on the server
There is a bastian host which protects the network.
Here's the logic to follow:

Case 1: the local PC and bastian host belong to the subnet setssa

A) I connect through ssh to bastian host: ssh-X $ USER_BAST@
b) access to machine applications: ssh-X $ USER_TEST@

Now has access to the machine application can launch the application without problems.

Case 2: the local PC and bastian host does not belong to the same subnet
wing logic to be followed in this case provides that the local PC must open a ssh tunnels that allows us to get to the machine that contains the application to be launched

Assuming the username to access the bastian host "ilaria" we have:

A) create a local tunnel

ssh ssh-L-X 12345: - f-N ilaria@

-12345 is the local port to use to reach the remote service, now accessible to localhost: 12345 -22
the service port is listening on the ssh server
-X using the "X" has the chance to export locally of any GUI launched from the remote machine


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