Thursday, March 17, 2011

Men And Women Mapouka

MOLTINPOESIA Ennio AbateMoltinpoesia and Fukushima

· Earthquake Japan : video of ' incident at Central of ...

March 13, 2011 ... L ' accident at the nuclear center Fukushima, to resulting tsunami following the earthquake that struck Japan , ... japan-video-of-accident - to - central - fukushima_post-of-15219.html - Copy cache

shake off our slumber poetic
get out
to that?
in matching the world.
With Gaddafi and now loses that first win.
Col Japan dies tsunami e terremoto.
E di nucleare?
Ma Quello (il Golem buono) 
Alla candela non ci torna più
Ma  Quello (il Golem malvagio) 
è incontrollabile
and roars when
nor the sorcerer's apprentices
nor the real scientists
we do it to appease him.

of who we trust then?
Scientists nuclearists linked to the lobby?
Of those serving wind-environmentalist lobby?

Oh, poeta esodante
 In che merdume devi esodare!
Oh, poeta esodante
di cosa  domani scriverai?

Toccati l’anima.
Non è umida e palpitante
di sogni e minime lussurie?
Meglio quest’umidità materna
dell’angoscia moderna
degli incubi d'un futuro che non vedrai?

No, pensare l’orrore
del mondo presente
che al poeta o non poeta  esodante
offre il gommone
il deserto
al massimo il centro di prima accoglienza
la peggior penitenza
o questi cessi di stazione
dov’è finita l’idea di rivoluzione
sognata in autostrada
e poi surriscaldata
come il nocciolo a Fukushima
(Which is - oh us! - Almost rhymes with Hiroshima)

* Note

Edoardo Boncinelli / cronache/11_marzo_16/boncinelli_alternativa_inesistente_c54e3890-4fb0-11e0-acff-d18cea4068c4.shtml
feral The news reaching us from Japan are bringing to the fore so peremptorily unexpectedly as the controversy on the use of nuclear power plants and their risks [...] in a time when it should be appealing to all our lucidity [...] It 's easy now surrender and give up mentally emotional wave to each project that [...] to nuclear power there are no real alternatives and the most developed nations and civilians we have and use it for years. [...] We're almost the only nation that does not use nuclear power for energy supply, even though we are a short distance from central France and Slovenia that could potentially provide many trouble. [...] But the risk can contain and control. The plants are not all equal and technology evolves in this field no less quickly than in any other field. [...] Well, there are not only nuclear plants and their waste to threaten the health of the planet, especially when it did fall back on alternative technologies of energy supply around the weight. [...] No one knows what the future may hold there, but it is not certain inertia and ignorance that it faces in the manner better.

Mattioli and Scalia

can in fact improve the devices, make them redundant, but, if it reduces the probability of an accident of the kind hitherto known, does not change the fact that the accident is still possible with the effects of enormous suffering and fear. [...] worthy of respect for institutions that would say Italians: it is true, these are the risks, the country is seismic and the technology is imperfect, but there is no other way to supply energy to the country and therefore should be in a transparent way, to share risks and repay them with benefits Direct who will endure them directly. [...] But the field of cheating, such as when the people of Scanzano was said that the rock salt over the centuries ensured the integrity of a waste repository. A fake. O lies As recently stated by the German Federal Government: Yes, around the nuclear facilities there is more than twice of childhood leukemia. But Veronesi, President of the Agency for Nuclear Safety, the risk to normal operation does not exist. It is apparent that the ethics of a lobby, still determined to achieve its result and, moreover, the ground energy lobby is always land: even the wind clique tried in front of his speculazione.Ma disaster also lobby should be silent.

Guido Viale

not The tsunami was to frustrate even the best intentions of leaders, managers, administrators and communicators: the apocalypse found them intent to lie shamelessly about everything, from hour to hour, trying to hide in bits and pieces of a disaster that now now the reality is in charge of revealing. It is an entire ruling class, not only of our country, but Europe, Japan, the world, the apocalypse catches in the act falsehood, teaching us to not trust none of them ever . To give just one example, the "lighter" Chancellor Angela Merkel to run for cover, stopping three, then seven, then maybe nine nuclear power plants that only until three days ago he had ordered to keep operating for another twenty years. But they were not in the same condition today as three days ago? So: was to be trusted then? And you can trust now ?[...]
For those who have the ability or inclination to develop critical thinking and allow to educate the media, are scientists and engineers ourselves and having to drive along the border of the development. The results of that guidance are now there in front of our eyes. The Book of Revelation however revealed that the artists, with their sensitivity and their lack of interest, to route towards the discovery of the future. Read Scorched Earth James Ballard, or even better, Road by Cormac McCarthy; or go see the movie based on this novel. You'll find yourself immediately immersed in landscapes that today's television coverage of the northeastern coast of Japan we bring before our eyes. And with McCarthy you can revive the sense of abandonment, terror, discomfort and emptiness that only one irreducible will to survive at any cost and the fire of an indissoluble bond of affection is able to defeat the apocalypse
.[...] reveals that the normality - That has characterized the lives of many of us for many years, but that has not been experienced by some billions of human beings who have borne the brunt of our "development" and our fake "welfare" - is over or is about to end forever. It's over for Japan - and not just for people overwhelmed by the tsunami - which now must stop its factories to suspend its exports, to travel to sob his trains, close to petrol pumps, turn off the lights, lock all or almost its nuclear reactors, without knowing what to replace them and not knowing if and when he can recover from a hit like that (a fate similar to that which could plunge to hit France in terms of a country "underdeveloped" only happen if a similar incident ).[...]
But now almost everyone, it must stop. But it is not rosy either for the countries who travel to oil, natural gas and coal, like ours. The Middle East is burning and if - or rather, when - the Saudi kingdom will fall, even as oil will come with a dropper. Especially in Italy, but also in Europe. So goodbye dreams of glory for the automotive industry, not just those Marchionne (which are a mere hoax), but also for the whole of Europe. Not to mention the United States in June will have to renew some of their debt, which is far more serious and poised than those of all EU countries europea messi insieme; ma forse nessuno lo vorrà più comprare. Il che significa che un nuovo crack planetario è alle porte.[...]

Quello che l'apocalisse dello tsunami in Giappone ci rivela è la "normalità" di domani. L'apocalisse è già tra noi, in quello che facciamo tutti i giorni e soprattutto in quello che non facciamo. Dobbiamo imparare ad attraversare e a vivere dentro un panorama devastato, dove niente o quasi funziona più: non solo per il crollo o il degrado delle sue strutture fisiche; o per l'intasamento della loro "capacità di carico"; ma anche e soprattutto per la manomissione delle linee di comando, per la paralisi delle strutture organizzate, per la dissoluzione dello spirito pubblico calpestato by the lies and hypocrisy of those in charge.
Like it or not we must change our way of thinking and we need to study how to reorganize our lives in terms of greater simplicity, and so no longer dependent from large installations, from large structures, large networks, from large capital , from large corporations that control them and the state and supranational organizations that are controlled: all things that can disappear or suddenly change appearance overnight.


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