Monday, September 25, 2006

Pokemon Hacks Cydia Source

[LE] Lost Experience - last clue -

yesterday with the last livepodcast DjDan of the Lost Experience was closed after 5 months of evidence and a great success.

before the last clue here is the link of all the evidence collected

all evidence gathered in recent months are collected in the following pages:


THE LOST EXPERIENCE - Collection 2 -

THE LOST EXPERIENCE - Collection 1 -

Lost the next round is Oct. 4 on ABC with seasonpremier the third season.

Here are the facts of livepodcast:

-All 'beginning of the show, Dan confirms that Rachel Blake is attending live.
Speaking of the Hanso Foundation and the Lost Experience, DJ Dan Mittelwerk says the plan is to "kill 30% of the human race."


-L 'announcer makes a full review of 'experience in comic style.

-Dan believes that the equation Valenzetti should be shared with the world, and that the Hanso Foundation leaves the opportunity for the public to read the book by Gary Troup


qulacuno-called claiming to be the Speaker. Suggests that Charles Widmore sent a twin island, but Dan disagrees. Speaker after he denied him.

-Mike from Tucson, Blake wonders if Rachel is really the daughter of Alvar Hanso. Dan ends the call saying that they are assumptions based on theories born on blogs and there is no hard evidence.

-Rachel Blake calls.
Rachel talks about how it is become hackers, and Lost "is not in his TiVo (registratoresatellitare mySKY type). also says she was insegnuita through 8 countries in 12 giorni.Nel when he was talking about the move and says he does not know in which country he is now. Rachel had no choice "when he cut the video in Sri Lanka 70 parti.dice to have infiltrated into the Lost panel.
A call comes to a 'listener who likes to hack radio channels safe, and DjDan let him speak. The feed comes from the headquarters of the Hanso Foundation. and reveals that Thomas Mittelwerk blew up the building and managed to escape arrest. You are then asked to reveal the whole truth Racheal, Rachel shows listeners to go to to find out more.

It is a longer version of the Sri Lanka video, a total of 11:19 this third section of the video, Rachel is shown to reach the home of Alvar Hanso in Norway, here claims to be a prisoner of Mittelwerk, and that Mittelwerk is responsible for all the atrocities that we have discovered during the Lost Experience and committed in the name of the Hanso. Alvar revealed to have instituted a trust fund for Rachel because she is his daughter, Rachel, please Alvar at this point to spread his confession to the public.

the video you can see it right here

all the evidence collected in these months are collected in the following pages:


THE LOST EXPERIENCE - Collection 2 -

THE LOST EXPERIENCE - first-harvest -


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