THURSDAY March 17, 2011: BETWEEN hymns and band thinks
the grocer testaquadra I finished the mortadella , has over the wretch!
I would like mortadella now, now, I want to hear the taste in my mouth, I chew the
with forty teeth, I want to swallow with noise
want her as a pregnant suddenly wants a chocolate fondant
rincartato blue, to suck for the good of the child that moves.
M the intersection looks at his watch-Ripamonti Bligny-Sabotino:
know that today is not a perfect day with the dead Japanese, Libyans dead,
the dead on the highway, all the dead the world of this moment.
With the addition of the young girls gone, killed (rape, raped, no).
With pataccari estracomunitari selling umbrellas guaranteed half hour.
A ccidenti to 24 on the tracks in that strigoli curve Crocetta.
Eccoti infine, droghiere di Porta Romana con mortadelle dipinte di rosa
col pepe e senza pepe, con o senza pistacchi verdi profumati di verde.
“La mangio qui, tagliami un francesino : svelto che non ce la faccio più.
Sì, sì, va bene pure una michetta vecchia dimenticata da ieri!”
M i arrivano i suoni del Centocinquantesimo dell’Unità d’Italia
e ora che mi si scioglie in bocca il gusto di ‘bologna’ canterei anch’io,
sventolerei anche io il tricolore e canterei stonato col boccone in bocca,
among all happy with the holiday, the square full of noise:
sing "Let us gather in legions, Ready to die, Italy has called!"
B little rod me feel good! I mortadella me change the mood of anxiety
step for houseboats in the wake of the tsunami cowardly
the serenity of digestion in a quiet, calm, numbing.
With that bit of stick carelessly passed back and forth between the teeth,
'step' for the shadows wandering restlessness to 'Why should I care for me'.
M to see that with three other hints of hip-hop and an ass that sculetta front
with a folded newspaper in the pocket of his jacket and a cigarette dangling,
with the exhibition of himself in the Gallery with the team if it wins in the quarter, with
tram ticket which he pays for those who do not pay ... ever ... see all
'other ' who do not care about the shit that looms over the world.
Fabiano Armstrong
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