Ho scritto questa poesia ieri pomeriggio, dopo le diciotto, in un bar nei pressi di piazza Piemonte. Pioveva, avevo lasciato il mio quadernetto in macchina, ma era troppo distante per tornare a prenderlo. Così sono entrato in Mondadori e ne ho acquistato uno. Il quadernetto per me è molto importante, lo uso quasi fosse una macchina fotografica ma, di fatto, è molto di più: è un buco nero che attrae su di se' tutto ciò che si trova attorno.
Senza titolo
d unque eccolo qui un foglio bianco alla finestra ambrato aperitivo scritto
denominato farfalla delle sei
ma prima oziosamente ho incontrato messaggi persi plastiche allegre
the music will go, by scalamobile. Perhaps the authors are dead musicians
salaried commuters pendolanti background of purple hats enviable
sit in the no stress. Other poor but rich in time.
Less than an hour or three quarters, I think, the radioactive material. To stock sauce
for canned smoked herring controlled expiration at least a year and a half
ma prima oziosamente ti ho pensata in ascensore e chissà, ti ho detto, i ricchi
si salvano sempre. Aperte le porte nella somma dei profumi francesi
( l'autore morto pendolante?) le gambe affondate nel budino vaniglia pavimento
tra i vetri azzerati pensieri per il tutto già pronto automatico denaro e tanti saluti
elettronici: dear he may come Saturday, I'll call my soap fan.
Make money and then spend it for you only, without a mocha, a South African girl
a football tough sport for pussies independent with their backs to streets
poached three hundred €
idly as a sadhu but before I left some of abundance
orizzonte voltandomi sulle offerte, un assurdo sprazzo di vitalità senza aromi
di sandalo. Tra poco saremo così radioattivi che avremo paura d'impugnare
il volante della Porsche, ci cagheremo sotto e salteremo la doccia anche perché
ci siamo abituati scopando con poca simpatia più che altro per la muscolatura.
idly sadhu abundance of renunciation and red amber drink
I solved quickly with a few brief friendship with the guys from the bar.
die they all go here ; to finish the ham.
Too posh for Science controlled risk my son runs a local
chemistry makes little good and similar to more or less democratic redioattivamente
ma con le bolle sul sedere. Hai voglia.
Poi guarderò meglio all'orizzonte, tardano i nord africani avrei detto che oggi…
ma no, son qua a discutere di critica letteraria. Esplodo solo io se cede l'involucro
di plastica alla vaniglia?
Il proprietario del locale è un trentottenne athletic, just like those that women (as does one at that age to dispose of 500,000 euro, many use it to open a restaurant like that? "More than" Mom's purse, "I think the 'Ndrangheta).
was the 'happy hour, I ordered the most expensive thing (I looked poorly made, I shopped, but I was only occupy three seats. Plus I was there to write). I ruined my dinner (and diet, but oh well, that's poetry ..) gorge with what I found.
E 'a "in" although a few claims. Too many staff said hello and good morning too and this does not help relax.
In this poem there are the floors clear of Mondadori, lifts and a vague reference to Rinascente. E 'written with the surface of the visionary who walks without a real center of interest.
Nuclear snaps because our club costs pat of energy, and why? Not for human life, but to make money. That's why nuclear power stations do not have anything natural, they serve all'ekonomia, provide immediate resources to exploit (the term was never more appropriate :-)). I hear the echo of what is happening in Japan (another country in race for exploitation and for the money), and I feel in contrast with the indifference of these ostentatious ostrich ... I had around ... which I love, however, even when I hate to be sour, because I write mainly wanting good. ;
I write so many years. At home I just write and try to balance what I wrote.
not wait for inspiration, the right time, I sit and write. I am confident that a poet has infinite resources at any time, it is not a skimpy gold vein to be exploited. Years of meditation I have used to stay in when I write poetry and this is where I fish all the time. Participates in the writing.
Nothing particularly new, but maybe if the poets who submit their poems to the blog in a few lines saying something that clarifies why they wrote this poem, because ' have sent and what they would like to share, maybe you would start a dialogue more proactive with the criticism?
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