am an elementary teacher and I feel mortified by what is happening in schools and the fact that too few are the voices that rise up to defend the right of all children to have a good school.
Anyone in the school, from teachers to school administrators, the parents' representatives on the board of Circle ed'Istituto administrative staff and caretakers knows the amount of staff and funding cuts that have been slaughtered for schools . I am well aware that today there are many people who have lost their jobs and that the crisis is putting our welfare state to its knees, but this is to prevent the school should be in shambles. I think that the focus on high school should be kept forever. A good school is that if it continues to evolve and the company is alert to the actions of any government. But with the current situation are at risk, just as an example, educational tours, trips and courses offered by the City and others (from swimming to the other). Well someone seems to us it means that you can safely return to school once. It is not alarmist to say that I go, just talk to any Headmaster or teacher and will confirm these things. Maybe we go out to school children and even heating will come back as a time to bring the coal or firewood from home (I really hope that this is only easy irony on my part). These days, was released a letter written by the head of the Regional School, which urged school principals and all school staff to be very careful not to make statements and comments on the heavy cuts in which schools are subject. I declare publicly that he participated in an 'assembly and teachers have raised concerns about what is happening in school and have also proposed a garrison in the square and a strike hunger to pierce the veil of silence that is accompanying measures on schools. I do this for dignity and love for my profession. If I think it is something I have to charge to parents and children because they have not managed to sufficiently inform the public and above all the parents that we can no longer do all the work we were doing before, such as workshops to classes open or with small groups of children.
probably after you read these thoughts, turning on the television and feeling the TG, surely will tell you that there are no significant cuts for schools and someone will believe it. Or you'll run into journalists running right and left to interview the parents on the new proposal to delay the start of school to October 1st: everything goes well to move public attention and discussion of hot air. Nothing to say, the leader has learned well the techniques of communication. I chose a teacher because I thought that helping children to become informed citizens and educated to be a professional and important institution that the school was privileged to help build a better society, to see the treatment that is reserved for education there to think that you do not want to dedicated teachers and motivated, but only true performers and the school only be considered excessive spending.
However, I do not give up and hope not to be the only one.
Roberto Lovattini teacher
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