The eighth installment of this promo you can see from the following links:
S02E08 Promo (Short)
S02E08 Promo (Long)
For now no one knows yet how many episodes will be made this second season, it were awarded the titles and plot the next point.
Up now the last note is the tenth episode titled "Rendezvous."
place below the temporary guide to future episodes of Prison Break:
• Episode: S02E08
• Title: "Dead Fall" •
USA Date of transmission: 23/10/2006
• Plot (English): Agent Mahone gets a new adversary in Richard Sullins, an Internal Affairs agent put on the convicts trail. Mahone is not pleased to see Sullins arrive, Especially since he HAD to be pulled away from the manhunt to meet the IA agent. Sullins Asks Mahone tons of questions about how a prisoner Mahone HAD Handcuffed in His car got away.
• Stake: S02E09
• Title: "Unearthed"
• Data Transmission USA: 30/10/2006
• Plot (English): Agent Mahone's ex-wife Pam surfaces When Michael drops by her house to do a background check on Mahone. She Still Does not really know why she and Mahone parted ways years ago after His behavior changed and Dramatically suddendly. We see flashes of Mahone doing a press conference about a dead escapee.
• Episode: S02E10
• Title: "Rendezvous" •
USA Date of transmission: 06/11/2006
• Plot (English): Sucre is waiting Maricruz for HIM to call from Theresa's house But he can not get the phone to Planned at the time. Later, Theresa and Maricruz are at the airport WHERE They Are Set to take a plane to Belize.
• Episode: S02E11
• Title: "Coyote"
• Data Transmission USA: 13/11/2006
• Plot: Not available
• Episode: S02E12
• Title: "The Giving Tree"
• Data Transmission USA: 20/11/2006
• Plot: Not available
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