X Display and ssh tunnel
Supponiamo di trovarci di fronte a una situazione di questo tipo:
Ovvero, dal PC locale si desidera lanciare delle applicazioni tipo SoapUI TCPMon or located on the server
There is a bastian host which protects the network.
Here's the logic to follow:
Case 1: the local PC and bastian host belong to the subnet setssa
A) I connect through ssh to bastian host: ssh-X $ USER_BAST@
b) access to machine applications: ssh-X $ USER_TEST@
Now has access to the machine application can launch the application without problems.
Case 2: the local PC and bastian host does not belong to the same subnet
wing logic to be followed in this case provides that the local PC must open a ssh tunnels that allows us to get to the machine that contains the application to be launched
Assuming the username to access the bastian host "ilaria" we have:
A) create a local tunnel
ssh ssh-L-X 12345: - f-N ilaria@
-12345 is the local port to use to reach the remote service, now accessible to localhost: 12345 -22
the service port is listening on the ssh server
-X using the "X" has the chance to export locally of any GUI launched from the remote machine
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Sample Illinois Unemployment 1099 G Form
PACLIVA-ACL and IP Fragmented
The port ACL to perform access control on the gates at level 2. PACLIVA are only applied to incoming traffic and is only supported in hardware and therefore no packets Forward in software (For example, the packets are CEF forwarding to using the Forward in hardware)
fragmented IP packets
In the case of ACL to be applied to the fragmented IP packets, the reasoning to follow is:
-fragmented packets do not contain information L4, L4 ACLs that are applied
An example of an ACL is L3:
access-list 101 deny ip any any
An example of an ACL L4 is:
access-list 101 deny ip any any eq 80
The port ACL to perform access control on the gates at level 2. PACLIVA are only applied to incoming traffic and is only supported in hardware and therefore no packets Forward in software (For example, the packets are CEF forwarding to using the Forward in hardware)
fragmented IP packets
In the case of ACL to be applied to the fragmented IP packets, the reasoning to follow is:
-fragmented packets do not contain information L4, L4 ACLs that are applied
An example of an ACL is L3:
access-list 101 deny ip any any
An example of an ACL L4 is:
access-list 101 deny ip any any eq 80
Friday, January 14, 2011
Public Racquetball Courts In Orange County, Ca
Module 5 Module 7
STP Bridge ID: + bridge priority MAC address
Default priority: 32.768
Port ID: port priority + port number
Path Cost: cumulative cost to reach the root switch from a switch interface from which to calculate the cost
states of a door, inside the ' STP algorithm are:
timers to remember are:
-15 sec in listening state,
-15 seconds in learning state (listening + learning Timer timer = Forward delay timer)
-20 sec (10 BPDU, max_age timer) but is the waiting time of BPDUs by the switch: if nn receive BPDUs in that time then switch recalculates stp.
-300 sec aging time: when swithc it is in the state of learning, is populating a table that shows the MAC address matches incoming packets and receiving port. This table has a flush time of 300 sec: if for example a switch detects that a particular host in 30 sec ulle not announced, then removes it from the mac this table. To avoid
-balck hole nle if CVhange Topology, Cisco has created the mechanism for Topology Change Notificvation (TCN: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/tech/tk389/tk621/technologies_tech_note09186a0080094797.shtml ref.) As soon as there is a topology change to all switches are notified and in particular the aging timer is reduced from 300 to 15 sec (forwarding delay). This will restrict the time of aging lasts for a time that is equal to max_age (20 sec) + forwarding delay (15 +15 sec)
States STP
A door passes from these states: Initialization
to blocking by a blocking or listening
disabled-by listening to or learning-disabled
from learning to forwarding or to disabled
-forwarding to disabled
States ports (the states are defined depending on how incoming packets are processed): discarding
-i packets are discarded and the switch does not learn the mac address
-learning: the packets are dropped, but the mac is stored
-forwarding: packets sent. Mac I have already been learned.
Versions the STP
Several versions are introduced stp:
1) Common Spanning Tree (CST), referred to as 802.1D in which a single instance of STP runs for the entire network
2) PVST + In this case there is an instance STP for each VLAN on the network. Note, the 802.1q encapsulation supports only one instance of STP, so if several instances of STP, ISL can only be used with encapsulation protocol.
3) Rapid STP, 802.1w as shown in which there is only one instance of STP with a convergence time high. In RSTP
possimo distinguish the role of ports and port status.
Role of doors:
-root-designated alternate
4) MST, Multiple Spanning Tree in which more 'with the same VLAN traffic requirements can be arranged in individual instances of STP.
Load Balancing using STP port priority
is a layer 2 protocol used to prevent layer 2 loops in collegamneto with multiple switches.
The election of the ports (designated, blocking, non-designated) takes into account several factors, including the priority of the ports.
Playing with the priorities of the doors you get a load balancing of traffic between multiple VLANs.
For example:
Obviously we have:
Or the traffic of the four VLANs properly balanced in the two trunk link.
There are two techniques you can use to get this: stp stp port priority and cost.
STP Port Priority
The scheme for the port fastethernet 0 / 1 S1:
VLAN ---- ------- -----------
S1 4-2 16
3-5128 (default)
In this way, the door will be forwarding the traffic in vlan 4-2 and blocking traffic for VLANs 3-5.
S1 (config) # interface fastethernet 0 / 1
S1 (config-if) # vlan 2 spanning-tree port-priority 16
S1 (config-if) # spanning-tree vlan 4 port-priority 16
Verification priorities:
S1 # show spanning-tree interface fastethernet 0 / 1 Vlan Role Sts Cost
Type -------------- - ---- --- --------- -------- ------------------------ --------
VLAN0001 Desg FWD 19 128.1 P2p
VLAN0002 Desg FWD 19 1.16 P2p
VLAN0003 Desg FWD 19 128.1 P2p
VLAN0004 Desg FWD 19 1.16 P2p
VLAN0005 Desg FWD 19 128.1 P2p
The same is repeated for all trunk ports in order to respect the logical pattern above
S1 # show spanning-tree interface fastethernet 0 / 2
Vlan Role Sts Cost Prio.Nbr
Type ---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- - -------------------------------
VLAN0001 Desg FWD 19 128.2 P2p
VLAN0002 Desg FWD 19 128.2 P2p
VLAN0003 Desg FWD 19 16.2 P2p
VLAN0004 Desg FWD 19 128.2 P2p
VLAN0005 Desg FWD 19 2.16 P2p
Root Guard
enables you to keep a detrminato root switch, even if a new switch with spade connected BID lower and therefore potentially eligible to root.
And 'Just configure root guard, for example on the interface and as soon as the BID interface receives a BPDU with the most' lower than that of the root comes in inconsistent state.
soon no longer receive 'this BPDU, the interface "through" all states and returns to the designated STP mode.
The Catalyst switches, such as the 6500 series, are equipped with the ability to insert different modules and get a device that meets your business needs.
Supervisor Engine in some models like the 4500 there are two slots in the chassis, designed for insertion of the supervisor engine, which has the task to forward packets.
For example, the Supervisor Engine 6-E, used on the Catalyst 4500 offers a bandwidth of 320Gbps (full duplex) and 250 million packets per second.
function of the supervisor engine-> IP-forwarding
-L2, L3 MPLS
-4 10 GE ports, 48 \u200b\u200b10/100/1000 ports fasteethernet (SE 720 Data Sheet)
-have-an integrated route processor
have the control plane and data plane
supervisor engine redundancy:
As the supervisor engines are important to the operation of the switch, there can not be allowed to work or have problems, then using techniques redundancy are to install two supervisor engines on the switch, so that one is always active and the other in standby. The two supervisors communicate with each other, and switch to standby comes into play when the active switch has problems.
Once turned on, both the active and standby supervisor engines, perform the bootup and "initialize" only up to certain levels, and possible redundancy of the various techniques differ with each other on the amount and type of info initialized during bootup by the supervisor engine that is on standby.
It 'clear that the greater the amount of info loaded, the less time the switchover by the swicth to stand by.
The three techniques are:
difference between RPR and RPR +
RPR: first technique used for the redundancy of the supervisor engine.
switchover occurs:
-manual switchover
RP-or SP-crashes
you remove the active supervisor fails
-synchronization between the two supervisor
Features: startup and boot configuration registers are synchronized between the active and standby supervisors. The image of the software between the active and standby supervisor
not necessarily the same. At the time of switchover, the standby supervisor becomes active, but must complete the boot process. In addition, all line cards (ports) and hardware are rilodate reprogrammed. The switchover time is one minute.
as RPR RPR + swicthover but it is more 'quick and also the startup-configuration running-configuration and are copied to both the supervisor. The stand-by
supervisro boot has completed and the line cards do not have once been the rilodare swicthover. Before swicthover the stand-by router is synchronized. The link layer control-plane or not sicronizzati, interfaces flapped and hardware could be reprogrammed. In this case the two images must be the same. The switchover is 30 sec.
If the two supervisor engines do not have the same version of IOS the redundant supervisor works in RPR mode.
Table FIB (Forwarding Information Base) is deleted during the switchover, and then also the dynamic route, so the routing will not work properly until the route table does not riconverge, while the static routes are maintained because they are stored in configuration files is copied to the startup configuration file.
Whether you RPR RPR + switchover, which is not transparent, eg if you have a VoIP phone connected to the switch during the switchover, the call is lost.
SSO Stateful SwicthOver
Improvement dele RPR +.
The goal is to have a switchover that is transparent to the end user, at least for certain types of L2 protocols and IOS.
We talk about HA-aware applications as applications synchronized between the active and stand-by. As
PFC (policy-feature-card) and DFC (Distributed-forwarding-card) hardware tables are always synchronized between the two supervisor this allows a transparent swicthover data plane to L2 and L4.
Then, synchronized data plane involves continuous packet forwarding during the failover of routing protocols against being -aware applications has not are not synchronized. SSO-plane switchover date is 0-3 sec.
NSF Non Stop Forwarding is an interactive method that aims to quickly rebuild the RIB (Routing Information Base), which in turn allows the construction of the FIB used to perform the CEF. Through the NSF, the router that needs assistance in the reconstruction of the RIB is also in the neighboring router configured with NSF. NSF supports EIGRP, OSPF, IS-IS. Works in partnership with SSO. As soon as there is a switchover between the active RP and standby RP (Route Plan), by NSF, the interfaces remain in the UP as well as the neighboring router interfaces (NSF peer) that support NSF, so there is a continuous forwarding packets during switchover, thus avoiding the flapping interface.
It 'clear that I have to first activate and then configure SSO also NSF
High Availability: HSRP, VRRP, GLBP
Typically, these types of protocols within the category of First Hop Redundancy Protocol (FHRP)
Protocolo used to have redundancy in the default gateway. The basics are: you configure an instance-
HSRP-all 'inside of that body part in one or more' router-router-priority
more 'high-
router becomes active if all routers have the same priority instead becomes active with the physical address of the router ip more 'high-
is then elected a stand-by router
fano all other routers that belong to the same instance instead remain in a state of waiting to listen and then take on the role or Active or standby router.
-all 'inside of an instance of the values \u200b\u200bof the HSRP timers "Hello" and "Standby" can be changed on a router, but the values \u200b\u200bset on the Active router overwrites the values \u200b\u200bof all other routers within the same instance
-owner is defined by RFC 2281 Cisco
% MD-Supports authentication
-you can assign group numbers ranging from 0 to 255-
with the preempt command, within a group HSRP, the router with the highest priority becomes the active router, otherwise it becomes a router that does the first boot (the priority of a router is daefult 100). Here's an example:
The R5 router has a priority of 105, while R6 100. But after doing 'before then R5 and R6, R6 is that it becomes the active router, while R5 is on standby. In the case I
preempt configured on R5, the R5 router would always be the active router, even if the boot is made after R6.
Once HSRP is configured on an interface, the router through a number of states needed to understand its role in the HSRP group. The states are:
-Active-Standby Virtual
The MAC has the form: 0000: OC07: acXX, where XX is the group number in hexadecimal.
Clearly in this case, the preempt command is not set in either of two routers.
For the CCNP exam, the application is handled pg.184 Whereas:
Every 3 seconds hello messages are sent
Holdtwon timer is 10 sec , standby timer is 10 sec, 10 sec timer is active
E 'can be controlled interfaces: for example, if an interface goes down it is possible to decrease the priority according to the value of router config (default is 10). Clearly, when the interface comes back up, the priority is always increased as the configured value (10 by default).
GLBP Gateway Load Balancing Protocol is a Cisco protocol that provides load balancing.
% MD-Supports authentication
seguto of a possible scenario GLBP:
Whether the IP address that when we speak of the MAC address of virtual addresses, so:
-l 'ip virtual 10.88 1.10
-the virtual machine is assigned to the master (to review)
The default priority is 100. GLBP is Cisco proprietary.
within a GLBP group is: an active-
router (active state) that has the role of AVF and AVG
-one backup router assumes the role of stand-by AVG and AVF-
other routers in the unit, they can assume the role of AVF
-roter added in any other group were
remain in listen to the different AVF AVG assigns the virtual MAC address. As soon as a client, which uses ip as default gateway the virtual IP, it sends an ARP request, the AVG responds by assigning as the defualt gateway MAC address for the host, one of the virtual MAC address associated with an AVF (the choice of MAC is to be awarded with one of the following weighted load balancing, host-dependent, round-robin)
By default, the GLBP operations are based on host and using a round robin algorithm.
AVG is the router priority to more 'high or ip or the url higher.
Weighting Thresholds->
's a way to make an intelligent load and weighed.
Configuration Example:
track 1 interface POS 5 / 0 ip routing [link protocol]
track 1 interface POS 6 / 0 ip routing [link protocol]
interface fastethernet 0 / 0
glbp 10 weighting 110 lower 95 upper 105
glbp 10 weighting track 1 decrement 10
glbp 10 weighting track 2 decrement 10
All this indicates that:
- the two interfaces POS (Packet Over Sonet) are on track, or if it keeps an eye on their behavior. ip routing indicates that you check if the interface has an active routing protocol and IP address with a link protocol instead it keeps an eye on whether the interface is up
-In the interface which serves as a default gateway for each host, we have:
-indicates the starting value of the priority glbp, in this case 110 and two are fixed treshold: a lower bound and an upper bound.
glbp 10 weighting 110 lower 95 upper 105
gblp If the priority of the router is less than the lower bound, in this case 95, the router does not work anymore 'as the default gateway and resumes only when its priority is greater Upper bound, in this case 105.
-on 'interface and then apply two rules of track:
glbp 10 weighting track 1 decrement 10
glbp 10 weighting track 2 decrement 10
So, if the POS 5 / 0 no ip address configured, the priority is glbp decreased by 10 and reaches 90
S (config-if) # group glbp weightig maximum [lower lower] [upper upper]
glbp show vlan Command 111 reads as follows:
- Voice Priority 150 (configured) means that the router was configured with glbp a priority of 150
- Weighting 145 (configured 150), Thresholds: lower 95, upper 140 indicates that, because the track is configured, the priority of the router glbp now around 145! (Esmpio: HSRP mio.net)
The possible states are:
Again there is the concept of virtual IP address, but unlike HSRP (Cisco-proprietary ), in VRRP, correct address as the default gateway, you can use a real ip address of a virtual interface that clearly belongs algruppo VRRP. He has a Master
and more 'backup.
% MD-Supports authentication
-The master router is the lowest priority 'high.
-VRRP does not provide mechanisms to track the interface.
-The virtual MAC address is of the form 0000.5e00.01xx where xx is the hex VRRP group. The preemption is enabled
default: the router with the highest priority 'is always high in the master VRRP group.
In the case instead of using default gateway ip address of a real, then in this case, the router that owns that address become master always regardless of priority.
In this case we have:
Router A is the AVG group 1. The client 1 or 2, as soon as the mac ip must resolve the default gateway assigned (ip virtual glbp) send an ARP request to router A which, on a round robin and at the individual request by one of the two client, or send as virtual MAC his or that of the router B. In this case, the client sends its first packet to router A and the client 2 sends it to Router B.
IRDP ICMP Router Discovery Protocol is going to, and is a protocol used by the host if they lose the connection with their default gateway. Then shall endeavor to send ICMP requests to discover a new default gateway.
STP Bridge ID: + bridge priority MAC address
Default priority: 32.768
Port ID: port priority + port number
Path Cost: cumulative cost to reach the root switch from a switch interface from which to calculate the cost
states of a door, inside the ' STP algorithm are:
timers to remember are:
-15 sec in listening state,
-15 seconds in learning state (listening + learning Timer timer = Forward delay timer)
-20 sec (10 BPDU, max_age timer) but is the waiting time of BPDUs by the switch: if nn receive BPDUs in that time then switch recalculates stp.
-300 sec aging time: when swithc it is in the state of learning, is populating a table that shows the MAC address matches incoming packets and receiving port. This table has a flush time of 300 sec: if for example a switch detects that a particular host in 30 sec ulle not announced, then removes it from the mac this table. To avoid
-balck hole nle if CVhange Topology, Cisco has created the mechanism for Topology Change Notificvation (TCN: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/tech/tk389/tk621/technologies_tech_note09186a0080094797.shtml ref.) As soon as there is a topology change to all switches are notified and in particular the aging timer is reduced from 300 to 15 sec (forwarding delay). This will restrict the time of aging lasts for a time that is equal to max_age (20 sec) + forwarding delay (15 +15 sec)
States STP
A door passes from these states: Initialization
to blocking by a blocking or listening
disabled-by listening to or learning-disabled
from learning to forwarding or to disabled
-forwarding to disabled
States ports (the states are defined depending on how incoming packets are processed): discarding
-i packets are discarded and the switch does not learn the mac address
-learning: the packets are dropped, but the mac is stored
-forwarding: packets sent. Mac I have already been learned.
Versions the STP
Several versions are introduced stp:
1) Common Spanning Tree (CST), referred to as 802.1D in which a single instance of STP runs for the entire network
2) PVST + In this case there is an instance STP for each VLAN on the network. Note, the 802.1q encapsulation supports only one instance of STP, so if several instances of STP, ISL can only be used with encapsulation protocol.
3) Rapid STP, 802.1w as shown in which there is only one instance of STP with a convergence time high. In RSTP
possimo distinguish the role of ports and port status.
Role of doors:
-root-designated alternate
4) MST, Multiple Spanning Tree in which more 'with the same VLAN traffic requirements can be arranged in individual instances of STP.
Load Balancing using STP port priority
is a layer 2 protocol used to prevent layer 2 loops in collegamneto with multiple switches.
The election of the ports (designated, blocking, non-designated) takes into account several factors, including the priority of the ports.
Playing with the priorities of the doors you get a load balancing of traffic between multiple VLANs.
For example:

Obviously we have:


Or the traffic of the four VLANs properly balanced in the two trunk link.
There are two techniques you can use to get this: stp stp port priority and cost.
STP Port Priority
The scheme for the port fastethernet 0 / 1 S1:
VLAN ---- ------- -----------
S1 4-2 16
3-5128 (default)
In this way, the door will be forwarding the traffic in vlan 4-2 and blocking traffic for VLANs 3-5.
S1 (config) # interface fastethernet 0 / 1
S1 (config-if) # vlan 2 spanning-tree port-priority 16
S1 (config-if) # spanning-tree vlan 4 port-priority 16
Verification priorities:
S1 # show spanning-tree interface fastethernet 0 / 1 Vlan Role Sts Cost
Type -------------- - ---- --- --------- -------- ------------------------ --------
VLAN0001 Desg FWD 19 128.1 P2p
VLAN0002 Desg FWD 19 1.16 P2p
VLAN0003 Desg FWD 19 128.1 P2p
VLAN0004 Desg FWD 19 1.16 P2p
VLAN0005 Desg FWD 19 128.1 P2p
The same is repeated for all trunk ports in order to respect the logical pattern above
S1 # show spanning-tree interface fastethernet 0 / 2
Vlan Role Sts Cost Prio.Nbr
Type ---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- - -------------------------------
VLAN0001 Desg FWD 19 128.2 P2p
VLAN0002 Desg FWD 19 128.2 P2p
VLAN0003 Desg FWD 19 16.2 P2p
VLAN0004 Desg FWD 19 128.2 P2p
VLAN0005 Desg FWD 19 2.16 P2p
Root Guard
enables you to keep a detrminato root switch, even if a new switch with spade connected BID lower and therefore potentially eligible to root.
And 'Just configure root guard, for example on the interface and as soon as the BID interface receives a BPDU with the most' lower than that of the root comes in inconsistent state.
soon no longer receive 'this BPDU, the interface "through" all states and returns to the designated STP mode.
The Catalyst switches, such as the 6500 series, are equipped with the ability to insert different modules and get a device that meets your business needs.
Supervisor Engine in some models like the 4500 there are two slots in the chassis, designed for insertion of the supervisor engine, which has the task to forward packets.
For example, the Supervisor Engine 6-E, used on the Catalyst 4500 offers a bandwidth of 320Gbps (full duplex) and 250 million packets per second.
function of the supervisor engine-> IP-forwarding
-L2, L3 MPLS
-4 10 GE ports, 48 \u200b\u200b10/100/1000 ports fasteethernet (SE 720 Data Sheet)
-have-an integrated route processor
have the control plane and data plane
supervisor engine redundancy:
As the supervisor engines are important to the operation of the switch, there can not be allowed to work or have problems, then using techniques redundancy are to install two supervisor engines on the switch, so that one is always active and the other in standby. The two supervisors communicate with each other, and switch to standby comes into play when the active switch has problems.
Once turned on, both the active and standby supervisor engines, perform the bootup and "initialize" only up to certain levels, and possible redundancy of the various techniques differ with each other on the amount and type of info initialized during bootup by the supervisor engine that is on standby.
It 'clear that the greater the amount of info loaded, the less time the switchover by the swicth to stand by.
The three techniques are:
difference between RPR and RPR +
RPR: first technique used for the redundancy of the supervisor engine.
switchover occurs:
-manual switchover
RP-or SP-crashes
you remove the active supervisor fails
-synchronization between the two supervisor
Features: startup and boot configuration registers are synchronized between the active and standby supervisors. The image of the software between the active and standby supervisor
not necessarily the same. At the time of switchover, the standby supervisor becomes active, but must complete the boot process. In addition, all line cards (ports) and hardware are rilodate reprogrammed. The switchover time is one minute.
as RPR RPR + swicthover but it is more 'quick and also the startup-configuration running-configuration and are copied to both the supervisor. The stand-by
supervisro boot has completed and the line cards do not have once been the rilodare swicthover. Before swicthover the stand-by router is synchronized. The link layer control-plane or not sicronizzati, interfaces flapped and hardware could be reprogrammed. In this case the two images must be the same. The switchover is 30 sec.
If the two supervisor engines do not have the same version of IOS the redundant supervisor works in RPR mode.
Table FIB (Forwarding Information Base) is deleted during the switchover, and then also the dynamic route, so the routing will not work properly until the route table does not riconverge, while the static routes are maintained because they are stored in configuration files is copied to the startup configuration file.
Whether you RPR RPR + switchover, which is not transparent, eg if you have a VoIP phone connected to the switch during the switchover, the call is lost.
SSO Stateful SwicthOver
Improvement dele RPR +.
The goal is to have a switchover that is transparent to the end user, at least for certain types of L2 protocols and IOS.
We talk about HA-aware applications as applications synchronized between the active and stand-by. As
PFC (policy-feature-card) and DFC (Distributed-forwarding-card) hardware tables are always synchronized between the two supervisor this allows a transparent swicthover data plane to L2 and L4.
Then, synchronized data plane involves continuous packet forwarding during the failover of routing protocols against being -aware applications has not are not synchronized. SSO-plane switchover date is 0-3 sec.
NSF Non Stop Forwarding is an interactive method that aims to quickly rebuild the RIB (Routing Information Base), which in turn allows the construction of the FIB used to perform the CEF. Through the NSF, the router that needs assistance in the reconstruction of the RIB is also in the neighboring router configured with NSF. NSF supports EIGRP, OSPF, IS-IS. Works in partnership with SSO. As soon as there is a switchover between the active RP and standby RP (Route Plan), by NSF, the interfaces remain in the UP as well as the neighboring router interfaces (NSF peer) that support NSF, so there is a continuous forwarding packets during switchover, thus avoiding the flapping interface.
It 'clear that I have to first activate and then configure SSO also NSF
Typically, these types of protocols within the category of First Hop Redundancy Protocol (FHRP)
Protocolo used to have redundancy in the default gateway. The basics are: you configure an instance-
HSRP-all 'inside of that body part in one or more' router-router-priority
more 'high-
router becomes active if all routers have the same priority instead becomes active with the physical address of the router ip more 'high-
is then elected a stand-by router
fano all other routers that belong to the same instance instead remain in a state of waiting to listen and then take on the role or Active or standby router.
-all 'inside of an instance of the values \u200b\u200bof the HSRP timers "Hello" and "Standby" can be changed on a router, but the values \u200b\u200bset on the Active router overwrites the values \u200b\u200bof all other routers within the same instance
-owner is defined by RFC 2281 Cisco
% MD-Supports authentication
-you can assign group numbers ranging from 0 to 255-
with the preempt command, within a group HSRP, the router with the highest priority becomes the active router, otherwise it becomes a router that does the first boot (the priority of a router is daefult 100). Here's an example:

The R5 router has a priority of 105, while R6 100. But after doing 'before then R5 and R6, R6 is that it becomes the active router, while R5 is on standby. In the case I
preempt configured on R5, the R5 router would always be the active router, even if the boot is made after R6.
Once HSRP is configured on an interface, the router through a number of states needed to understand its role in the HSRP group. The states are:
-Active-Standby Virtual
The MAC has the form: 0000: OC07: acXX, where XX is the group number in hexadecimal.

Clearly in this case, the preempt command is not set in either of two routers.
For the CCNP exam, the application is handled pg.184 Whereas:

Every 3 seconds hello messages are sent
Holdtwon timer is 10 sec , standby timer is 10 sec, 10 sec timer is active
E 'can be controlled interfaces: for example, if an interface goes down it is possible to decrease the priority according to the value of router config (default is 10). Clearly, when the interface comes back up, the priority is always increased as the configured value (10 by default).
GLBP Gateway Load Balancing Protocol is a Cisco protocol that provides load balancing.
% MD-Supports authentication
seguto of a possible scenario GLBP:

Whether the IP address that when we speak of the MAC address of virtual addresses, so:
-l 'ip virtual 10.88 1.10
-the virtual machine is assigned to the master (to review)
The default priority is 100. GLBP is Cisco proprietary.
within a GLBP group is: an active-
router (active state) that has the role of AVF and AVG
-one backup router assumes the role of stand-by AVG and AVF-
other routers in the unit, they can assume the role of AVF
-roter added in any other group were
remain in listen to the different AVF AVG assigns the virtual MAC address. As soon as a client, which uses ip as default gateway the virtual IP, it sends an ARP request, the AVG responds by assigning as the defualt gateway MAC address for the host, one of the virtual MAC address associated with an AVF (the choice of MAC is to be awarded with one of the following weighted load balancing, host-dependent, round-robin)
By default, the GLBP operations are based on host and using a round robin algorithm.
AVG is the router priority to more 'high or ip or the url higher.
Weighting Thresholds->
's a way to make an intelligent load and weighed.
Configuration Example:
track 1 interface POS 5 / 0 ip routing [link protocol]
track 1 interface POS 6 / 0 ip routing [link protocol]
interface fastethernet 0 / 0
glbp 10 weighting 110 lower 95 upper 105
glbp 10 weighting track 1 decrement 10
glbp 10 weighting track 2 decrement 10
All this indicates that:
- the two interfaces POS (Packet Over Sonet) are on track, or if it keeps an eye on their behavior. ip routing indicates that you check if the interface has an active routing protocol and IP address with a link protocol instead it keeps an eye on whether the interface is up
-In the interface which serves as a default gateway for each host, we have:
-indicates the starting value of the priority glbp, in this case 110 and two are fixed treshold: a lower bound and an upper bound.
glbp 10 weighting 110 lower 95 upper 105
gblp If the priority of the router is less than the lower bound, in this case 95, the router does not work anymore 'as the default gateway and resumes only when its priority is greater Upper bound, in this case 105.
-on 'interface and then apply two rules of track:
glbp 10 weighting track 1 decrement 10
glbp 10 weighting track 2 decrement 10
So, if the POS 5 / 0 no ip address configured, the priority is glbp decreased by 10 and reaches 90
S (config-if) # group glbp weightig maximum [lower lower] [upper upper]
glbp show vlan Command 111 reads as follows:
- Voice Priority 150 (configured) means that the router was configured with glbp a priority of 150
- Weighting 145 (configured 150), Thresholds: lower 95, upper 140 indicates that, because the track is configured, the priority of the router glbp now around 145! (Esmpio: HSRP mio.net)
The possible states are:
Again there is the concept of virtual IP address, but unlike HSRP (Cisco-proprietary ), in VRRP, correct address as the default gateway, you can use a real ip address of a virtual interface that clearly belongs algruppo VRRP. He has a Master
and more 'backup.
% MD-Supports authentication
-The master router is the lowest priority 'high.
-VRRP does not provide mechanisms to track the interface.
-The virtual MAC address is of the form 0000.5e00.01xx where xx is the hex VRRP group. The preemption is enabled
default: the router with the highest priority 'is always high in the master VRRP group.
In the case instead of using default gateway ip address of a real, then in this case, the router that owns that address become master always regardless of priority.
In this case we have:
Router A is the AVG group 1. The client 1 or 2, as soon as the mac ip must resolve the default gateway assigned (ip virtual glbp) send an ARP request to router A which, on a round robin and at the individual request by one of the two client, or send as virtual MAC his or that of the router B. In this case, the client sends its first packet to router A and the client 2 sends it to Router B.
IRDP ICMP Router Discovery Protocol is going to, and is a protocol used by the host if they lose the connection with their default gateway. Then shall endeavor to send ICMP requests to discover a new default gateway.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
8 Weeks Pregnant No Cervical Mucus
ADU-L 'ADU is a tool used to create profiles that can then be used depending on where you are connecting: home, office, entertainment etc and it is clear that such acts directly ADU the wireless adapter card installed on your computer.
-L 'takes care of the Association between the ADU client adapter and access point, the authentication, data encryption. It 'is clear that with ADU client adapter can only handle one at a time.
-L 'ADU can be used to enable and disable the wireless adapter and configure LEAP authentication with dynamic WEP.
Aironet Desktop Utility (ADU) is a utility profile manager for the Cisco Aironet client adapters CB21AG and PI21AG. This utility Allows the user to create and manage up to 16 profiles for the client adapter. A profile is a set of configuration settings (network settings) on the client adapters That Allows your wireless adapter to connect to a network access point (AP) (Infrastructure mode) or computer (device-to-device ad hoc mode).
Profiles enable the user to use the client adapter in different locations, each of which requires different configuration settings. Some examples are profiles for home, office, airports, and public hotspots. Once the profiles are created, the user does not have to configure the client adapter after each move to a new location. Instead, the user only needs to switch between the different profiles.
Cisco Aironet CB21AG and PI21AG client adapter software is incompatible with other Cisco Aironet client adapter software. The ADU must be used with CB21AG and PI21AG cards.
The latest version of the ADU utility can be downloaded from Wireless Software downloads.
To create a profile using the ADU, perform these steps:
1. To open the ADU profile manager, double-click the Aironet Desktop Utility icon on the desktop.
2. Click on New on the ADU (Profile Management) window. The Profile Management (General) window appears.
3. Enter a name for your new profile (such as office, home, etc.) in the Profile Name field.
4. If you want this profile to use the default values, click OK. The profile is added to the profiles list on the ADU (Profile Management) window.
5. To change any of the configuration parameter settings (to values specified by your system administrator, for example), select the General, Advanced, and Security tabs. Change any desired parameter values. Click OK when you are finished making changes. The profile is added to the profiles list on the Cisco ADU window.
6. To activate a profile, select the profile from the Profile Management window, and click on Activate.
For more information and example screenshots on how to create a new profile on the client adapter, refer to the Using the Profile Manager.
For information on configuring the General, Advanced and Security parameters on the client adapter, refer to Configuring the Client Adapter.
Risposta: The Microsoft Wireless Configuration Manager can be configured to display the Aironet System Tray Utility (ASTU) icon in the Windows system tray.
Nell'architettura wireless pensata da cisco e indicata con il nome di Cisco Unified Wireless Network, there is an architectural solution indicated by the name of Controller-Based WLAN Solution.
The concept is that the access point is responsible for very little and is totally controlled by another device by the name of WLC. Access Point WLC and communicate via the LWAPP protocol.
It makes you feel just a tunnel between AP and WLC and the communication takes place through LWAPP.
The communication is governed both by the LWAPP Layer 2 (data link) and Layer 3 (network, UDP).
below what happens to the LWAPP.
LAP who discovers a WLC
The AP, once it receives the IP address from DHCP Server, has to discover the WLC to scaricaresi configuration.
There are two methods you can use:
-sending broadcast request to join that work well in the case of LAP and WLC in the same subnet
-submission of a list of available WLC sent in the DHCP response from the DHCP server if the ' Option 43 is enabled, this is useful in the case of WLC and LAP on two different subnets.
Regarding the discovery phase of the WLC available, there are actually two ways of use: L2 and L3 discovery discovery algorithm. In the first instance, the algortimo level 2 is no longer used, in favor of Level 3 dell'algortimo
A LAP always has a list of three and WLC for example, once finished booting up, try to LAP connect each time one of the WLC disposnibili. In EVENT SHALL fail then makes a request to broadcast. If you lose connection WLC and LAP, the LAP will then reset and the search for new ricomncia WLC.
In general we have:
1) The LAP as the WLC need an IP address and may or not belong to the same subnet
2) E 'can be a phase of authentication between LAP and WLC
3) Just to see that What does the WLC for example: as soon as it is connected all'ecces point, compare the code image of the LAP with its locale and in case of differences aggionra version of the LAP
4) E 'can be configured through the WLC or console or CLI. For the examination is important to know that:
HTTP-access-> conf-net webmode
access HTTPS-> conf net secureweb
1) The LAP sends a request to the DHCP server to obtain the IP address
1) LAP sends LWAPP discovery request to a level 2 . If the LAP does not support or if the L2 LWAPP WLC does not respond or lose any response, then the part with a LAP L3 LWAPP discovery
2) The WLC responds with an LWAPP discovery response
3) LAP sends a join request
4) The WLC responds with a join response
5) Once past qesto phase starts with the user mutual between WLC and LAP and the creation of an encryption key for the encription package. Recall that the data is on the tunnels scmabiati LWAPP without encryption, and encrypts the control data are
6) Periodically WLC and LAP exchange of hello messages to verify that they are still in communication with each other
7) The LAP as soon as it receives a data from a host, it encapsulates and sends it into the tunnel and sends it to the LWAPP WLC which then sends it to its destination.
That takes care of the WLC:
-association request and action-resource reservation
-authentication-access point discovery, information exchange and configuration
-access point certification and software control
-packet encapsulation, fragmentation ,
formatting and management control-communication Between Access Points and wireless system device
In a nutshell then deals with both access to the management of the access point.
Access Point in turn takes care of time critical operations:
-beacons, probe responses
ack-packet transmission and packet-frame
queuing prioritization frame-mac
encryption and decription
-monitoring of the radio channel: or better ordering the WLC to the access point to monitor
the channel and then send this info as noise, signals from other APs to the WLC, which then takes the final decision in terms of monitoring for example.
-encryption of data: in fact the data exchanged between the host and can be encrypts lap, but once he is sent to the AP by means of the WLC LWAPP tunnel without any encryption. The
-based control solution is also indicated by the name of WLA lightweight solutions and is opposed to stand-alone solution in which the access point is in charge of all the proper operation of the wireless communication between client and network. WLSE uses a maximum for a centralized management.
LWAPP protocol used between the AP and the WLC for the encapsulation of data and control messages
In particular, the traffic control as well as to be encapsulated is also encrypts, while data traffic is not only encapsulated . Clearly, for safety reasons, traffic data can be unencrypted tract host - access-point.
When the WLC receives traffic from a customer, the applicable QoS and VLAN tagging.
The tunnels created, as I understand it, are two: one for data and one for control info.
Both the access point that the WLC IP address must have a clear order for the access point you download the configuration from the WLC.
In the first instance we can say that essentially when a mobile host wants to communicate with another host sends traffic to your access point, the access point then sends it to the WLC and the WLC sends it to the AP which is connected 'destination host.
UDP data traffic is encapsulated with UDP source port 1024 and destination port 12222
Traffic Control is encapsulated with UDP source port 1024 and destination port 12223
From the description above made it clear that the access point is unable to function properly if he loses connection with the WLC. In this case infattil the access point stops working and must be taken to find another access point. So, to remedy this situation, you can use as an access point HREAP that in case of loss of connection with the WLC has the opportunity to work in standalone mode, allowing continuity in the transmission between access points and hosts. It is usually used in situations in which the WLC is is in a difficult position to be reached, or in situations where there is only one WLC and no backup
E 'WLC clear that without an access point is unable to properly communicate with its host. So to avoid problems or interruption of the flow of data between the host and access-point, it was decided to introduce an access-point called HREAP that can operate in either control-based (with WLC) that a stand-alone (without WLC) .
Cisco Wireless LAN Solution Engine (WLSE)
can be used to manage the autonomous access point.
Regarding QoS, or packets as a forward there are essentially three ways: Best Effort, Integrated Service Model, Differentiated Service Model. If
Integrated Service Model the traffic source, by RSVP is a reservation of resources depending on the traffic that is to send and thus the relevant parameters / requirements. If the various devices along the path can provide these requirements, then the source will receive a confirmation and send the traffic. An example of integrated service can be:
-Intelligent Queuing mechanism used in conjunction with RSVP to provide the following types of service:
1) Guaranteed Rate Service, which allows applications to reserve bandwidth to meet the demands relished. For example, a VoIP application can reserve 32 Mbps end to end. The Cisco IOS uses WFQ (Weighted Fair Queuing) with RSVP to provide this service.
2) Controlled Load Service, which enable applications to have low delay and high throughput even under periods of congestion. An example would be real-time applications such as conferences. In this case a queue WRED is used with RSVP. The tail usually peremmet WRED to drop packets with few demands in terms of QoS, in the case of congested links. In the case of DiffServ
Instead, each switch / router will take the decisions on how to treat the received packet according to the info QoS present in the header of the packet. By
DiffServ QoS can ottenre du traffic transmitted between switches.
The DiffServ approach uses a packet basis. In particular, we consider two switches that use a trunk encapsulation: in this trunk link can be transmitted in packets that belong to different VLANs. Each package is identified by a tag that indicates the VLAN membership and it can use some bits of the CoS to indicate how to treat the individual unit package.
Particularly in the case of encapsulation dot1q some bits are used to assign the header to the packet CoS, CoS, ranging from 0 to 7. In the case of ISL encapsulation
however, are always used three however, bits that are "taken" by a header field called User Field. However, there is full compatibility between the QoS implemented on a link in an implementation 802.1qe ISL to allow the communication between two distant swicthes and maybe connected to each other using, along the route, different techniques of incaspulamento.
In general, always take the DiffServ model, which in turn is linked to the concept of DSCP, which again, shows how bits are placed in the header of the packet QoS in the context chiaremente.
The following table of correspondence CoS-DSCP, IP precedence, DSCP:
The basic concept is: I can not create
- voice vlan interfaces on level 3 but only at level 2. But this is clear, I can only create the vlan on switch !!!!!
-CoS QoS to L2 is linked to the most thrilling or frames transmitted over a trunk link for example.
precdence-IP is connected to the concept of IntServ
DSCP-DiffServ QoS model is linked to
In a nutshell all traffic must be "marked" according to the QoS DSCP, so if a switch a packet comes in its L2 QoS is mapped to DSCP in the case of L3 IP Precedence, DSCP QoS is mapped it.
Then there is the concept of trusted and untrusted ports.
In the case of trust port, packets with CoS are left to pass, is applied to those untagged qos default. In
untrusted mode, the IP phone re-marks the Layer 2 CoS value to the new value (if configured on the access layer switch) or changes it to 0, if nothing is configured. The default is untrusted mode, Which is the recommend method.
Considering the topology above are:
1) The switch provides energy to the phone (PoE)
2) With the command:
"mls qos trust cos", indicates that the Fast Ethernet 0 / 4 is trusted for which does not affect the QoS values \u200b\u200bof incoming packets is already tagged (802.1q / p), while for untagged packets, QoS can be applied by default, which is zero.
In other words it means that I make the switch port that accepts trusted tagged voice packets coming from the phone without overwriting the QoS.
3) The IP phone can be connected to a PC. The default port of the phone connected to your PC is untrusted, so it overwrites with CoS equal to zero (default) or by applying the values \u200b\u200bconfigured on the port CoS, all packets sent from the PC.
with the Run command from the interface on the switch:
switch (config-if) # switchport priority extend {cos value Usually the rule is that voice traffic has QoS is then tagged (802.1q / p) as the traffic data do not, and as we have seen we can safely handle the IP phone in two ways: either the CoS attribute a zero or fix a precise value of qos switch (config-if) # switchport priority extend {cos value and QoS (L3)). As for the control data in the transmission of voice, using the values \u200b\u200bof CoS and QoS of three.
If instead, the switch turns out that there is a mobile ip then report its untrusted interface and overrides the CoS of the received packets with CoS defalut which is 0. By default, not just turn a swicth, and watch the qos set to an interface with the command
switch # show interface type mod / num switchport
QoS is disabled. When QoS is enabled, settings will be Applied Following
trust state: not trusted
trusted mode: not trusted
trust enabled flag: ena COS override: dis default COS : 0
DSCP Mutation Map: Default DSCP Mutation Map Trust device
: none
qos mode: port-based
After setting the parameters qos interface I get:
Switch # show mls qos interface FastEthernet 0 / 1
FastEthernet0 / 1
trust state: trust cos
trusted mode: trust cos trust enabled flag: ena COS
override: dis default COS
: 0
DSCP Mutation Map: Default DSCP Mutation Map
Trust device: cisco-phone qos mode: port-based
Continuing, we can now deal with the concept of Trusted Boubdary.
In the case of configuration like this: switch (config-if) # mls qos trust cos, I point to the switch to make the trust of packets received from the IP phone. In this case, then the IP phone becomes the trust boundary. Packets sent from the IP phone to the switch then, belong to a voice vlan, then arrive on the interface of the switch with the appropriate value set of CoS. They are given 802.1q header (which tag the packets with the voice vlan id) within the CoS field consists of three bits.
voice in terms of QoS must meet the following requirements:
-delay of less than 150 ms
-The voice packets are usually large 60 to 120 bytes -A call requires a rate 17 to 106 kbps 150 bps is the bandwidth for traffic control to ensure
-a delay of 150 ms <=30 ms jitter interface on which to configure vlan vocie:
-access port must be a automatiacemnet-port fast is enabled and remains active even after the voice vlan diasttivo <=1 % packet loss-l 'interface SUPPOTA 802.1x
-you can not configure static secure or sticky secure MAC address
-can be a dynamic access port
-I can configure port security: in this case the maximum number of machines allowed period must be at least 2: In fact, the switch connecting at least two or deviuces the phone and the PC (ref: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/switches/lan/catalyst2950/software/release/12.1_14_ea1/configuration/ Guides / swtrafc.html # wp1038546)
Plus' Whereas the topology under:
It has: Recital 4-
the vlan 1, 10,20,30,40
-VLAN 10 for voice
- vlan 30 for data from the PC
So, in this context, the access switch port Fa0/15 will be configured ALS1: -in access mode on vlan 30 vlan 10

ALS1 (config-if) # switchport access vlan 30
ALS1 (config-if) # switchport voice vlan 10
What happens in the case of one vlan for both voice and data? Apparently it seems that In this case you can not assign a value of 802.1p QoS to voice, because in my opinion would automatically apply the same priority as data traffic is also because of belonging to the same subnet: in these cases so it is useless to set values \u200b\u200bor QoS priority.
Dot1p: When I talk about dot1p means the 3-bit CoS 802.1q inserted in the header of the frame. They have meaning only at level 2. When referring to "tagged packet" means packets 802.1q / p tagged (reference: http://www.ciscopress.com/articles/article.asp?p=385336&seqNum=2)
-switchport priority extend cos
: instructs the IP phone to override, if any, CoS of incoming frame from the PC, with a value that is equal to "priority"
-mls qos trust [cos]: indicates the switch to make the trust of incoming packets with CoS: Based on the reported value of CoS of incoming frames, the switch sends the output code in the appropriate ppachetti
-mls qos trust device cisco-phone: indicates that the IP Phone is a trusted device (in my opinion this commandment extend the boundary)
WLSE: it is linked the concept of autonomous access points
IP Phone and DHCP server
SSCP and CCM: events to establish a call
CCM, Cisco Call Manager is used together with protocllo SSCP to establish a call between two phones (the phone connects to the CCM through port 2000 or 2443, in the case of secure connections). The sequence of events is:
-L 'ip phone alerts the source of CCM' off-hook state -CCM istruisce l'IP phone di fornire dialtone -L'ip phone invia le cifre digitate al CCM
-CCM ruota la chiamata o al PSTN o all'ip phone destinazione
-RTP trfiic รจ scambiato tra l'ip phone sorgente e destinazione
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